I.D. Plz: little venus flytraps??


so I have a couple little green things, about an inch wide growing from my LR. They don't have stalks, but they are just like little mouths with dark looking "teeth" inside, kinda like the the mouth of a venus flytrap. anyone know what these are? I'll try to get some pics if no one knows, but I'm not sure if my camera can focus that close.


yep, almost an inch wide. Don't think it's a zoo, it looks like 2 small leaves kinda hinged at the bottom with teeth-like structures inside. hasn't moved or opened or closed since I first noticed it like a week ago.


it sounds like the rare but deadly saltwater venus. they will take over everything in the tank and it all your fish. lol. you have a pic of it that we can see?


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By description only...
I'm thinking "Turkey Wing" Clam...
Blitt, had some pics on the reef forum a day or two ago, if you can't get some up...