Active Member
Okay this is a huge debatable topic, I don't want to get anyone flaming but my mind has clicked. CC is better for a FOWLR tank and LS is better for a reef tank. This is my reason, LS is benneficial because it gets anarobic zones which helps break down the nitrates. Typically you fish only tank is stocked more than a reef tank. That means you have a lot more nitrates than your sand can handle and it will turn to the bad anarobic which was created by ug filters. If you have a shallow cc sand bed then your clean up crew can get it you can also vacum it. My personal opinion is not go with the big bulky cc, but stuff a bit bigger than salt "aragonite". For a reef tank LS is benneficial because the tank won't be producing as much nitrates so the LS becomes benneficial. Just my opinion don't want to start a huge thing, but I'm just curious what kind of tank you have, and whats your substrate and why do you have it. To me it just seems LS is whats "in" and everyone switches to it. Not trying to get anyone flamed up about this but would like to get some opinions, by the way I have a 1/2in cc sand bed I have an FOWLR tank