I declare myself officially an idiot.


This is a good one, and I'm sure NO ONE else on here has done this, right?
I have a hospital tank under my main FOWLR in the wood stand, which has two doors to gain access to it from the front. The back is open, but against a wall., The hospital tank is one of those standard 10 gallon jobbies, with a heater, mechanical filtration, and has been running for years. Right now all that is in there is a spiny urchin, because the main tank is under hyposalinity. He'll go back once the salinity comes up, leaving the hospital tank empty like it usually is. I wanted to set up a mushroom propagation tank, so I figured the hospital tank was perfect, but a little small. I went to the store and bought a 30L to put under the stand to replace the 10, and I have perfect lighting (portable PC's) for a mushroom tank. Guess what? I can't get the 30L under the stand! Its 3 inches too long to go in the doors. ARGGGGGHHHHHHHGGGG. Then, to top things off, I cracked the hospital tank (10G) while moving it out to make room for the 30L. The urchin is living in a collander hanging in our reef tank until I can get to the store and pick up a 20L, or the largest thing I can get under the stand. Anyway...thought I'd share this wonderful experience that makes us go, "Why the heck did I get into this in the first place!?!:!?!?!:"


Active Member
Don't fret boobiehead.......you can always make the 30 into a small reef tank and just get a new one to fit under the stand. We have all pulled some boners but, you have to make sure you don't pull too hard......that's all. Have a good night.:)


Sorry about your problems musipilot, that stinks.
You had mentioned in a post yesterday about letting me have some of your macroalgae. If you could, e-mail me and we can work out some details.
I really appreciate the offer!
Again, sorry about your troubles!!


Active Member
LOL Musipilot !
I can relate !!!
When I was doing my sump/fuge thing - I ended up with empty spare little tanks and Rubbermaid containers in every room of the house. No matter how many times I measured - it seemed like everytime I saw a vessel to use - I always forgot my little notes with the dimensions - and bought it hoping it would fit.
We're very organized over here now - heck I even have a Rubbermaid container with a label - "smaller Rubbermaid containers inside".
Don't feel bad, and an urchin in collander - quite resourceful ;)


Build a stand for the 30 with a really big base and then put the fowlr in there.Then fill up a hat to put the urchin in and cook some spaghetti in the collander.


musi, your looking at it the wrong way. i did a similar thing when i did a sump for my 75gl, 30l was an inch to big to fit, rather than seeing a useless tank i see a real nice if somewhat small reef:)