i did an oops


Active Member
well it has been a bit since i've been on the boards last time i was here i had got my 150 up and running well it had cycled added my stock but only had 50 lbs. of lr, so i ordered a 100 lbs. and then started my aquascaping, then it happened it kick started another cycle. my ammonia went through the roof so i dashed to wallyworld for an ammonia neutralizer and the next day went for ammo-lock ammonia is good now but the nitrites and nitrates are off the chart so far no loss of life any help on products will help i know water changes would just prolong the new cycle help


not to offend but IMO you need to quite looking for answers in a bottle and start letting nature and time take its course
but if you do choose to go the bottle route there are tons of products out there for this
but don't be surprised if something else goes out of wack after you pour that in


That wasn't the greatest idea ever.
That aside, let it run its course. Water changes, aggressive skimming and frequent carbon changes are about all you can do. Hope you don't have any extremely delicate fishes.


Active Member
It will probably happen several times before you get a handle on things. Remember we are trying to mimic mother nature in a container, and as science and God has proved...life will not be contained.
Not to get biblical on you or anything

When I started my reef tank I had 20 years of freshwater tanks under my belt. I could put a fresh water tank together blind folded. But nothing in all those years of reading and studying and researching could have prepared me for the world of the salt water tank.
After a year and a half, I can now calmly leave my tank alone for a few days when I go on vacation.....and I don't call 911 when my anemone is shriveled, but I still don't feel like the master, like I do with my freshwater tank. Saltwater tanks change on a dime, sometimes with a reason or rhyme. So keep reading and asking and trying.
Do you have a picture of your tank??? I'd love to see it.
I am betting the ammonia spike was from the additions of the second batch of live rock. what else do you have in your tank??? What kind of set up????
Filters lights and such????


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
It will probably happen several times before you get a handle on things. Remember we are trying to mimic mother nature in a container, and as science and God has proved...life will not be contained.
Not to get biblical on you or anything

When I started my reef tank I had 20 years of freshwater tanks under my belt. I could put a fresh water tank together blind folded. But nothing in all those years of reading and studying and researching could have prepared me for the world of the salt water tank.
After a year and a half, I can now calmly leave my tank alone for a few days when I go on vacation.....and I don't call 911 when my anemone is shriveled, but I still don't feel like the master, like I do with my freshwater tank. Saltwater tanks change on a dime, sometimes with a reason or rhyme. So keep reading and asking and trying.
Do you have a picture of your tank??? I'd love to see it.
I am betting the ammonia spike was from the additions of the second batch of live rock. what else do you have in your tank??? What kind of set up????
Filters lights and such????

glad to see some one say this... i have been doing freshwater for about 4 years now... i currently have 2 55 and 2 10gal fresh set up... so how hard could a 29gal salt be??? couldnt be too expensive either right??? damn i was wrong... i still wanna call 911 when my anemone shirvles...