I did it (finally)!



A month and a half ago I started this thread: https://forums.saltwaterfish.com/t/356148/looking-for-advice-on-this-aquarium-quote-setup
After going back and forth a million times, I finally found a company a few hours away who set me up and just finished yesterday... now I have to wait 4 weeks to start adding the good stuff! Not sure which way I want to go with it yet (fish only, some reef, etc...) but I really want a juvenile emperor!

180 gallon acrylic tank w/ 36 inch high stand
Warner Marino AS200 Skimmer
T5 Lighting
AquaController III w/ DC8 and temp probe
Eheim 1262 return pump
90 gallon sump
2 titanium 300w heaters
2 Tunze 6125 power heads
200 lbs of premium fiji rock
Automatic water top off system
UV Sterlizer - Current USA 40w



Man oh man. Nice. That is close to what I would like to do for a setup. Never thought of a 55 gal. drum. I will be setting up an 90g DT so I'm not sure how to go about it. Would like to have filter sock thou. Very nice. Could you post more pics of what below your tank. I'll have watch this post. Best of luck to ya.


A 90g sump must be nice. Did you have the sump custom made? I would figure a standard 90g sump would be a snug fit in a 180g stand.
Still an impressive setup, will be really cool to watch you stock it.


Active Member
nice setup...sweet equipment...with that juvi emperor ur prolly gonna have to go fish only.. although i've seen people put large angels in a reef..not sure how it goes long term tho...


oceansidefish; it was the company you referred me too, they're great!
I<3reefs: They made the sump, yes... and with the barrel, there is very little room left :)
aquaguy24: I'm still trying to decide how to stock my tank. I have around 3 weeks left in my cycle... I love emperors and saw a blue angel today that was gorgeous! I’m gonna have to research the list of corals I can have if I have an angel or two…
The only problem I'm having at the moment, is keeping the temp down... it has been at 87 consistently, but the house is at 80. I think this is due to all the equipment underneath. I just purchased a clip on fan an hour ago for the sump, hoping that will take care of it...


My heaters are set on 79... I have two of them....
and I use my aquacontroller III to tell me the temp...


Originally Posted by aquatix
Even though they've never clicked on?
If your tank temp is 87....I would take them out JUST IN CASE...It's not like you need them right now anyway...Some heaters are defective...you just never know...
Actually just unplug them :)