I did it!!


He is one of my favorites. He was only about 2 inches long when he came to live in his new home. I have had him for 5 months now, and he has grown to about 3 inches. I feed him daily with frozen food and purple or green seaweed soaked in Zoe. I alternate frozen foods, so he doesn't get the same thing everyday. I also soak the food in Selcon, and 1 drop of garlic.
I got very lucky with these pictures. I have probably taken close to 300 and only a few turned out. I do have some of my Sailfin and could post those here too, but so far they aren't quite as good as my Hepatus photos.


Well it's just a digital camera that I have had for over a year now.It's a Minolta Dimage Z2 - 4mp, with macro. I have recently learned, that my photos of fish turn out better, when they are near the bottom of the tank. Since the corals don't move I can set the macro feature, and click away. I'm planning to get a tripod, to see if I can get some better fish photos.


How long have you had that plate coral? I have had bad luck with these as they die after 4months or so. I dont konw why. Some told me to since and if there is lack of oxygenation underneath the plate coral when its on the sand, it will sufficate and die. I dont know if that was bunch of crap but I havnt had any luck.