I didn't have a choice, HELP!


Oddly enough, they are all doing fine. we have 5 red leg crabs, 2 emerald crabs, 2 small snails, 1 giant turbo snail and an anemone that are doing fine. we lost our cleaner shrimp for some unknown reason about 2 weeks ago and he's not been replaced. I did move the anemone yesterday to the big tank for fear of it dying, so it's not longer in this one, but until then he was doing just fine.
I plan on using a water clarifier chemical today since there's been no progress at all. Even water changes only temporarily and partially clear the water. I'm also going to take a water sample into my LFS, maybe they can give me a clue.


That may very well be my next step. the murkiness has a distinct green tint to it, I'm wondering if I am dealing with an algea bloom, and hown do I control it?
Mmm... Algea bloom seems unlikely... If it happened in a span of 6 hours... and it was perfect before you went to bed.. With lights off.. Next to impossible.. dont think it could be that... it could be a chemical reaction with chemicals in the salt mix maby the calcium compound, and the chemicals in the medicine that your other half gave.. thats what i can think and what you are seeing is a precipate...
Do this, take a coffee filter, and strain the water through the coffee filter.. if the murkiness stays behind then you create a precipitate... And you know how to fix it... Strain the water...
if the murkiness goes through... Then i dunno lol... but see if its a precipitate, cause if it hasn't diminished yet i bet it is..


Tried to coffee filter idea to no avail. went in green, came out green.
I'm going to try Magnet Clarifier tomorrow, assuming I can find some locally, to see if it will help. It's really got me stumped! I've never seen a tank cloud this fast. Maybe it's just the size of the tank. I dunno.
I also tried changing my lights, since it was time anyway. We'll see what tomorrow brings.
Mkay, i dont know what happened.. you have other tanks right.. your best bet would be to do a 100% water change... if the clarifier dosent work.. IMO putting chemicals in to fix problems never sounds good...
Good luck let me know how it turns out.


I agree, using checmicals to solve a tank problem is always a LAST resort, and is sucks that it's come to that-
after my 75% water change, things just clouded right back up, so I would think I would endup with the same problem with a 100% since you never really get ALL the water out.
I hate using chemicals almost as much as I hate killing fish, but at this point, I'm at my last resort.


Yes, the filter media has been cleaned. I'm looking into putting a canister filter on this tank now, I don't think the filter provided by aquapod is sufficient.


The water quality DOES change, it just slowly goes right back to where it was... tells me something's growing.
Ya it does... Is there a sump/pipeing, and you have checked all equipment thouroughly... I dunno what to say, but if it dosent clear with chemicals you might have to Take it down clean it with vinegar and put it back up... But only after you tried a 100% water change... So basically refill it... I dunno what else there is to do at this point


New Member
Are you using tap water or RO? I had a huge algae outbreak before I had RO or a uv sterilizer. I put the uv sterilizer in and within 24 hours the water was clear. I'm a big fan of sterilizers and Reverse osmosis water.