I didn't know about these..


I've found these white feather looking things on lr near the back of my tank. Sucks cause I really can't tell if they are small feather dusters. The reason I'm thinking they are though, is cause they have the same appearance as feather dusters. They look like little white palm trees. I noticed them the other day when I was moving some stuff around and they were moving in the powerhead currents. Could they have hitchhiked and been MIA till now? I'm assuming they are a nice addition to have to the tank. However, if they aren't feather dusters...what are they?


What you have there are small fan worms, filter feeders, a good thing to have in the tank.



Originally posted by jauringer
hey Thomas712, what makes you think they are not aptasia.

I'm psychic? ;)
I don't believe I have ever seen a white feather duster looking aptaisia. In other words I gave it my best guess.


what is the concern with aptasia in the tank? I see everyone saying to get rid of it, but not sure why? Can anyone explain? Thanks.


the concern with aptasia is its ability to sting your corals. Aptasia packs a pretty powerfull punch and it spreads very quickly.


Active Member
Aiptasia is a nuisance and reproduces fairly quickly. It packs a nice sting too. They are a pest.
Those feather duster things definitely sound like fan worms. I have literally hundreds of them in my tank. They are a great addition.


island girl... how you liking that eclipse3 ? Have you upgraded the lighting yet?
Buzz.. or anyone that may know.. what do baby fan worms look like? I have a few tiny things that I am assuming were feather dusters. I also have several green tubes, about 1/4"-1", coming up off some rocks. the base of the tubes are starting to "calcify" with a hard white substance. I'm waiting to see if the "feathers" pop out and make little feather duster..er, fan worms..or whatever thay may be... I'm just curious... It will be ineresting to see what they grow into.


So far so good....seems to be going well. Haven't upgraded yet cause funds have been quite tight. The mushrooms and polyps seem fine with the lighting setup I have now in the Eclipse hood. Do you know if you can just get higher wattage bulbs to fit? I think my bulbs are 24" and 18 watts each....I know.....low light ;)
Are you saying that any tube that's calcified and hard could produce some kind of fan worm or feather duster? Cause if that's the case I'm going to have a worm and duster par-tay!! There are millions of tubes on my lr :eek:


custom sealife makes a power compact retro-kit for the eclipse hood. It comes with a 65w 50/50 pc lamp. Its alot better than the stock lighting, and costs about 70 bucks. But then it sounds like the lamps you put in there are doing fine for what you've got so far. I'm already planning on a DIY hood so I can get even more light in there... we'll see.
as for the mystery creatures...I dunno what they are. Could be fan-worms..could be feather dusters...I just hought i'd throw it out there. I'll post pics if my UPS ever delivers my digital camera...


Active Member
smellsfishy - the calcified tubes sound more like a vermatid snail to me. Fan worms have soft tubes.


thanks buzz. I may have to post a pic to get a good I.D. on these. Right now they are all bright green, growing off the rocks, dont move around, and a few are starting to turn white, and shriveled at the base. I know this is tough without a pic. I'll post one as soon as I get my camera and get it figured out.
you prob have speggity?? worms, if their shells are white and hard that's what they usually are, if it's soft, it could be a duster


ok, well heres a pic (i hope...1st try) of the mystery green thing...
I'l prob post this with a new thread...seeing as I've totaly hijacked islandgirls thread...lol
this new camera is cool too...