sorry, guys...anyway, I'm having a few problems. First is my ph/alk/calcium problem. My ph has been low for a while, which I am sure is what is causing my 2nd problem...hair algae and cyano. But, back to the first problem. My ph has been low, so I got some Kent's pro buffer dKh. Use it most mornings. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I'ts fluctuating between 7.7 and 8.2. My calcium reading is about 350, and I am adding seachem's ca for that. It won't go any higher. I really hate to use additives at all, but my hair algae was getting out of hand, and I must admit I am at a loss as to what to do now. I don't have an alkalinity test kit...my lfs hasn't had one the last few times I've been in, and they won't test it for me...only ammonia, ph, trites, and trates. I know something is amiss...but if you guys could point me in the right direction, I'd appreciate it. Also, about the hair algae...I thought it was phosphates...they're only at 0.2ppm. I'm assuming that's fine...I only use ro/di water, and I know I don't over feed. Sorry for the mumbo jumbo, but maybe if you ask more direct questions, I can give you a better understanding. Thanks in advance