I don't ever want to do that again!!!


My last You-Build-It order I overdid the order and ended up with too many fish. I ordered four Blue Chromis' and the tank was simply too crowded. I decided that rather than risk the overcrowding, I would go to my LFS and trade in the Chromis'. Four hours later, with 75# of my LR in buckets and three nets I had them all. It got so bad that my son started doing cheers when ever I caught one.
Well my tank survived and I didn't loose any of my inhabitants, but I learned a good lesson about planning.


Staff member
Hard to believe that 4 small fish would overcrowd a tank so much that it warranted ripping the tank apart!


Active Member
Next time try one of those traps that you put brine shrimp in and it has a trap door that you drop when the fish goes in. I caught 5 green chromis out of my 55 in less than 10 mineuts without taking a single rock out.


That was the problem, I thought they were small fish. One was 3.5" long and the others weren't far behind. I have mostly small docile fish and at thier size they were pushing the limit, I just wanted to be safe.


Active Member
I hear you with your kids cheering when you caught one. :p The same thing would happen in my house. :D


Active Member
I got some chromis from here too and suprised how big they were, but not smart and not quick enough for my carpet anemone:eek: