I don't want my fish to fight!


New Member
I need help. I have had a saltwater tank for about six months, and due to extremely bad "advice" from the lfs I am starting over. (i asked them to help me pick out the best fish for my 55 gallon because I was just starting out. they sold me a panther grouper and a bunch of really small fish. so you can imagine how well that went. i now know to do my research.) I have learned most of what I know from you all on these forums, so I am hoping ya'll can help me. I got a few fish for Christmas and I want to know what kind of fish would be nice additions. (or even if I should get more fish in my size tank)
I have a:
percula clown
flame angel
domino damsel
purple tang
What else should I add? I love tangs, but I have read that the purple doesn't always get along with other tangs. Is there one that I can get that he would get along with? I have also heard from some people not to get more than one damsel, but other say they do well together. Any other suggestions would be so great. Thanks!!!


Active Member
Since the purple tang is already in the tank, it already has established its territory, so it will be difficult to put more fish in. If you were to get more fish though, take the tang out before you add the fish, put the new fish in, then in half an hour put the tang back in the tank. If you want to get more tangs just make sure they are of different body shape than the purple (no sailfins, yellows, etc.)


Active Member
You can have a tang in there as long as you plan on upgrading to a larger tank before the tang gets to big.


Active Member
as long as the damsels in there you wont be able to get any small peaceful fish. he'll eventually bully your percula clown, if not now within a year. All your fish are semi aggressive to aggressive so you may have to rethink some of your selections and the order of which you add them to your tank if you want a truly peaceful tank. Do you wish to keep shrimp at all (there are several fish like hawkfish, several wrasse and sharpnose puffers that you could add less prone to being picked on by your current fish but will eat ornamental shrimp).
the tang police will be here soon to tell you the purple will need a bigger tank to thrive but you've got it and I'm pretty sure you have no plans to give it up. if you like the hobby you wont be able to help yourself from buying a bigger tank in the future anyway so I dont get too concerned. If you bought a 240g you'd want to keep fish that need a 300g, thats how it works. 55g look darn big when starting!
If I were you the damsel would have to go and I would re introduce the fish to the tank in a different order (reaquascape as well). you'd need another tank or somebody to hold the fish to do this. I'd add the percula 1rst (and give it a partener. preferably slightly larger or smaller size). from there if no ornamental shrimp are in the plans I'd add one more fish with character (toby puffer, longnose hawkfish. could try another hawkfish but the rest are pretty mean) or I'd add the ornamental shrimp now if thats in the plan. then I'd add perhaps one more invent safe fish such as a six line wrasse, blenny or royal gramma. then I'd introduce the flame angel and purple tang not too far longer before the angel gets too comfortable. then I'd call it a day. if you want to push it a school of 3-5 chromis are always good for that.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Stanlalee
as long as the damsels in there you wont be able to get any small peaceful fish. he'll eventually bully your percula clown, if not now within a year. All your fish are semi aggressive to aggressive so you may have to rethink some of your selections and the order of which you add them to your tank if you want a truly peaceful tank. Do you wish to keep shrimp at all (there are several fish like hawkfish, several wrasse and sharpnose puffers that you could add less prone to being picked on by your current fish but will eat ornamental shrimp).
the tang police will be here soon to tell you the purple will need a bigger tank to thrive but you've got it and I'm pretty sure you have no plans to give it up. if you like the hobby you wont be able to help yourself from buying a bigger tank in the future anyway so I dont get too concerned. If you bought a 240g you'd want to keep fish that need a 300g, thats how it works. 55g look darn big when starting!
If I were you the damsel would have to go and I would re introduce the fish to the tank in a different order (reaquascape as well). you'd need another tank or somebody to hold the fish to do this. I'd add the percula 1rst (and give it a partener. preferably slightly larger or smaller size). from there if no ornamental shrimp are in the plans I'd add one more fish with character (toby puffer, longnose hawkfish. could try another hawkfish but the rest are pretty mean) or I'd add the ornamental shrimp now if thats in the plan. then I'd add perhaps one more invent safe fish such as a six line wrasse, blenny or royal gramma. then I'd introduce the flame angel and purple tang not too far longer before the angel gets too comfortable. then I'd call it a day. if you want to push it a school of 3-5 chromis are always good for that.
what he said


New Member
I guess I should have said this before (so no one will kill me for putting tangs in my tank!) Right now I have the 55 gallon, but I'm expecting to get a larger tank in about 3 or so months. (a friend is bringing me her old tank). Thanks for the wonderful help. Especially about how to introduce the fish to the tank, I really never knew some of that! I feel like such a horrible newbie!


Active Member
We were all newbies...lol Youll learn pretty quick here though. This place is the best. I get alot of info here. The people are also very very nice.


Active Member
Welcome to the Boards.
In addition to the Tang needing a larger tank now (even small ones need swimming room), they also need established tanks. They also should be introduced last as they can be territorial.
Take the Purple back. Save up your money and get the next tank going (no reason to try to set up a tank now only to break it down for another one in 3 months).