I feel like a cold blooded murderer


Ok well for most of you that know I had some unknown (but suspected gorilla) crab in the crevice of one of my live rocks that came as a hitchiker. I did manage to see it one day and sadly yes it is a gorilla (at least I think so). I also was horrified to see that one of my crabs that I got when I thought I was buying an empty shell I thought was pretty turned out to be a hawaiian orange leg crab (what a deal! a 15 dollar crab for only ten cents!). I thought he was just gorgeous! He didnt come out of his shell until later that night (suprisingly though because since I thought it was an empty shell I just tossed it in without acclimating!) I was quite pleased until a few days ago when I awoke and turnd my lights on to see several orange striped legs at the base of the rock that the crab lived in. I was LIVID!!!! I angrily grabbed the rock out of my tank and took my Bissel steam shot and shot blast after blast of hot steam into every crevice of that rock! Well I didnt see him come out but I was satisfied that he would no longer terrorize my tank (you see I lost several small blue leg hermits and red leg hermits in this same area and I was sure he was the perpetrator and this is where I had also found Minty and Jacques 1 as well so I think I know who the guilty party was). Just yesterday morning however when I turned on the lights to say good morning to the rest of my tank guess what....??? There stood Kahlua (the Hawaiian) right there on top of the rock in the front of my tank! It turned out that the legs I saw must have been a shed or a fight that he survived! So now I am guilty of murdering the gorilla crab and although I know it was inevitable and I needed to get rid of him I still feel kind of bad that he was executed for a crime he did not commit......Just please dont lock me up or call PETA!


Good Morning Lorene...this is the PETA police, please put your hands behind your back and assume the position!!
I am guilty of said crime also. Had a gorilla terrozing my 12, found his hidey hole and pulled the rock out. Placed it in a bucket of w/c water and a small powerhead for about a week, (thinking?what should I do with him)then I did the dasterdly deed and pulled the plug. He passed about 2 days later. Re-washed the rock, put back in tank, and moved on. At least I know all my inhabitants are safe now. When we make the decision to brng Mother Nature into our homes I guess we have to accept all the responsibilities that come with it. Some of those not to our liking


It's okay Lorene, the gorilla crab was a bigger murderer than you are!
I too am guilty of being a murderer in my tank. I had a Xanthid Crab making meals out of my shrimp, crabs and any $50 fish it could get its claws on. I won't even tell you what my husband did to that crab once we finally go it out of the rock but it was far worse than your steam incident, LOL. Let's just say it went "sledding" during a snow storm.
My husband also killed a reef lobster that created havoc in my tank. And a gorilla crab.
We're far ahead of you, PETA will come get me first, LOL
How is everything else looking in your tank?


Whew! At least I am in good company!

Everything else and everyone else in my tank is doing WONDERFUL!
Params are at perfect, All is well and happy and we are very much enjoying all the life that seems to be growing! Just yesterday I finally saw some little copepod creatures running all over some of the live rock formations and I smiled and knew all was well. I have about 3 or 4 little tiny stars running around my glass now (probably hitchiked in with the LR) and everything looks peaceful and nice.
I am over the initial pull of wanting to buy everything in the lfs, but I may be adding some more frags at some point.
Should I use the same caution with adding frags as one would with fish?
Can they create bio-overload as well?
How about with inverts?
This is what I have
29gal Biocube-Stock lighting and filtration/powerhead
1 Domino Damsel
1 Cleaner Shrimp-(Got another this week)
1 Hawaiian Orange legged Hermit Crab
2 Emerald Crabs
6-8 tiny Blue leg and Red leg Hermit crabs
3-4 Peppermint Shrimp
Would like to add
1 Decorater Crab
I may be removing the Damsel soon and then would like to add
1 Blenny
1 Dottyback/Fridmani (either black/blue or purple)
1 Coral Beauty
Maybe 1 more Cleaner Shrimp
Definately MORE corals!


Originally Posted by Lorene
Whew! At least I am in good company!

Everything else and everyone else in my tank is doing WONDERFUL!
Params are at perfect, All is well and happy and we are very much enjoying all the life that seems to be growing! Just yesterday I finally saw some little copepod creatures running all over some of the live rock formations and I smiled and knew all was well. I have about 3 or 4 little tiny stars running around my glass now (probably hitchiked in with the LR) and everything looks peaceful and nice.
I am over the initial pull of wanting to buy everything in the lfs, but I may be adding some more frags at some point.
Should I use the same caution with adding frags as one would with fish?
Can they create bio-overload as well?
How about with inverts?
This is what I have
29gal Biocube-Stock lighting and filtration/powerhead
1 Domino Damsel
1 Cleaner Shrimp-(Got another this week)
1 Hawaiian Orange legged Hermit Crab
2 Emerald Crabs
6-8 tiny Blue leg and Red leg Hermit crabs
3-4 Peppermint Shrimp
Would like to add
1 Decorater Crab
I may be removing the Damsel soon and then would like to add
1 Blenny
1 Dottyback/Fridmani (either black/blue or purple)
1 Coral Beauty
Maybe 1 more Cleaner Shrimp
Definately MORE corals!

GREAT! So glad to hear that your tank is starting to "settle in"
I think what you'd like to add would be fine. One suggestion, ADD THE CORAL BEAUTY LAST! I have one and she was very aggressive towards new comers until I finally placed a fish bigger than her to "scare" her. She does not nip at any of my corals and I've noticed that people that stay on top of feedings and feed the correct food (I highly recommend Hikari's Mega-Marine Angel - the other fish will eat this food as well) they will be fine. Until I upgraded from my 40 to my 155G, I only fed her every other day with that food (half a cube) and left a little bit of seaweed on a clip every day that she wasn't being fed the frozen food.
What type of blenny are you thinking about adding?
Are you going to add any snails?


Oh, well a Coral Beauty is definately out! I have had my "fill" of aggressive fish!
Maybe a PJ Cardinal instead of the CB?
I am thinking a midas, a lawnmower or a bicolor (only 1 blenny though)
I am also thinking of a couple of gobies: a purple firefish, a neon goby and a yellow watchman and maybe add a pistol shrimp for them.
I am not sure if I will get any more snails after Stoney our Astreas passing.
I have Aragonite (kind of chunky) substrate (no sand) and so not sure of what kind to get. With only a tiny bit of algae on my glass (I am pretty concious of cleaning the glass all the time) I would think a Blenny would do better than a snail for the little parts around the rocks I cant reach.
Other than that I think my tank will be complete although I have news on the forefront now.....
I just met a guy who has a 90 reef that he said had a major crash and all his corals he thinks died. He still has the rock in it and water but he said he is tired of keeping up with it so he just wants to get out of the hobby altogether (His loss=my gain!) He has very expensive metal halide lighting/skimmer/powerheads etc so I would like to throw out there what a reasonable price I could offer him. I am not sure if the live rock he has that fills the tank is "Live" anymore but if I could throw it in something and "cure" it that would be worth something too right? I dont want to spend too much money on a "dead" tank but I would like something to "work" with as well and take my time and "do it right" this time with this tank. Please anyone give me an idea of what I should pay for this 90 with all accessories considering if I may have to start it over from scratch.


I just bought my first salt tank last night, and it's the bio cube as well, do you have any pictures of your tank? I'd like to get some ideas on setting it up. thanks for the list of what you have in there this will help me out once I get the tank fully set up!


Active Member
Is it the orange holloween crabs? black and orange leggs? I have 3 of those in my tank along with 3 blue legg hermits and it seems like the holloween's molt more often then the blue legged. I have 2 really large holloweens that were really tiny when I picked them up at the LFS. They seem to grow fast and molt alot, I still have bits of leggs and what not laying around the sand from all the molts. My larges one has a baby claw and a larger claw because of a bad molt, Looks kind of funny! My blue leggs havent been growing that quickly, they just started growing last month though.
If yopu have the same hermits as I do you might want to watch for the holloween's, becasue meowzer said hers were eating some of her coral aparently.
I havent had trouble with mine though, so she might have just got a bad batch.
Attachment 233931
Attachment 233932



Originally Posted by Lorene
Oh, well a Coral Beauty is definately out! I have had my "fill" of aggressive fish!
Maybe a PJ Cardinal instead of the CB?
I am thinking a midas, a lawnmower or a bicolor (only 1 blenny though)
I am also thinking of a couple of gobies: a purple firefish, a neon goby and a yellow watchman and maybe add a pistol shrimp for them.
I am not sure if I will get any more snails after Stoney our Astreas passing.
I have Aragonite (kind of chunky) substrate (no sand) and so not sure of what kind to get. With only a tiny bit of algae on my glass (I am pretty concious of cleaning the glass all the time) I would think a Blenny would do better than a snail for the little parts around the rocks I cant reach.
Other than that I think my tank will be complete although I have news on the forefront now.....
I just met a guy who has a 90 reef that he said had a major crash and all his corals he thinks died. He still has the rock in it and water but he said he is tired of keeping up with it so he just wants to get out of the hobby altogether (His loss=my gain!) He has very expensive metal halide lighting/skimmer/powerheads etc so I would like to throw out there what a reasonable price I could offer him. I am not sure if the live rock he has that fills the tank is "Live" anymore but if I could throw it in something and "cure" it that would be worth something too right? I dont want to spend too much money on a "dead" tank but I would like something to "work" with as well and take my time and "do it right" this time with this tank. Please anyone give me an idea of what I should pay for this 90 with all accessories considering if I may have to start it over from scratch.
Well if you're good with cleaning the glass, I'd get a lawnmower blenny for the algae on your rocks, especially if you're not set on snails. There are quite a few people that don't have snails in their tank. You may also have to add algae sheets to the tank to keep him well fed. They're great, personable little fish. The midas can be tricky and aggressive with gobies and firefish. I've had two lawnmowers and loved them. Right now I have a black combtooth and he's just as good, but the lawnmower's definitely had more personality. Midas are not as beneficial as the lawnmower either.
If you decide to do snails, I highly recommed Ceriths and Nassarius as well as some Astrea's or Trochus. I wouldn't go crazy with snails in a 29G since you plan on having a blenny.
The Coral Beauty will be fine as long as it's the last fish you add, so if you really want one, just get your other fish first. I didn't know any better when I bought mine and she was one of the first fish I added. She's beautiful, but it was really had to add fish with her and she killed quite a few. Now that she's not the biggest in the tank, she's calmed down a lot and is one of my favorite fish again. She just needed to be put in her place. The problem was, she was one of the first in the tank, so she was able to establish a big territory and din't want to share with other fish. If you added your other fish before the CBA, it would not be able to establish it's territory and get dominant so fast. Cardinals really like to be kept in pairs or more so you'd really have to get at least two. You could also take a look at some of the reef safe wrasses, some of them are really pretty (DO NOT GET A SIX LINE WRASSE - many people refer to the as the "fish from hell" on this forum and I agree). I recently bought a fairy wrasse that is just beautiful to watch swim around. He's trying to school with my anthias right now.
As for the 90G, I don't really know what you should offer. I got my 40G with PC's/sump/pump/overflow/powerheads/50lbs live rock/some small corals for $125-, my 155G I got for free, but, I knew the guy I was buying/receiving from. It really depends. If this guy really wants out and is fed up, he'll sell for cheap. What's the worst that happens, you offer too little and he asks for more? Then you'll know what he wants. Look on Craigslist and see what used tanks go for in your area. I live in NY, so used stuff is EXPENSIVE.
Good luck


Active Member
Please don't kill these crabs post first. There are people like me that will pay for shipping to put them in my sump. Pm me I would even buy the crabs to give them a chance.


Whew! I am back from the lfs and boy oh boy did I get a deal!
I bought a 4 head Dunkin (Wisker) Coral for $17, 2 Anenome Crabs for $1.29each(They were sold as "Algae" Crabs but when I looked them up on SWF they are "Anenome" Crabs!)
A nice head of Purple Tipped Condy Anenome for $20
and a nice big Decorater Crab for $16
Not bad eh?
I will be keeping my Domino for the moment as I may want to start a refugium and put him in there so as long as he seems to leave everyone alone, I will grant him a temporary stay until I can move him to the refugium.
I will be posting pics soon!
I have decided against the CBA until I am quite sure I will not add anything else to the tank (which may be never as I tend to be bitten by the fickle finger of the latest fancy from time to time).
BTW the hermit crab I have is NOT a halloween hermit crab. If you look on SWF it is a Hawaiian Orange Leg Crab.


Originally Posted by Lorene
Whew! I am back from the lfs and boy oh boy did I get a deal!
I bought a 4 head Dunkin (Wisker) Coral for $17, 2 Anenome Crabs for $1.29each(They were sold as "Algae" Crabs but when I looked them up on SWF they are "Anenome" Crabs!)
A nice head of Purple Tipped Condy Anenome for $20
and a nice big Decorater Crab for $16

I need to go to your LFS. My anemone crab was $7 and my duncans were $25 PER HEAD!!!!! The anemone crab is one of my favorite inhabitants of my tank. He just sits in the anemone all day and chases off the clownfish.


Originally Posted by Lorene
Whew! I am back from the lfs and boy oh boy did I get a deal!
I bought a 4 head Dunkin (Wisker) Coral for $17, 2 Anenome Crabs for $1.29each(They were sold as "Algae" Crabs but when I looked them up on SWF they are "Anenome" Crabs!)
A nice head of Purple Tipped Condy Anenome for $20
and a nice big Decorater Crab for $16
Not bad eh?
I will be keeping my Domino for the moment as I may want to start a refugium and put him in there so as long as he seems to leave everyone alone, I will grant him a temporary stay until I can move him to the refugium.
I will be posting pics soon!
I have decided against the CBA until I am quite sure I will not add anything else to the tank (which may be never as I tend to be bitten by the fickle finger of the latest fancy from time to time).
BTW the hermit crab I have is NOT a halloween hermit crab. If you look on SWF it is a Hawaiian Orange Leg Crab.
You might want to keep a eye on that Decorater Crab. They are not coral safe. If you have zoo's or small polyp coral this is what they decorate themselfs with. They are cool though. I know this because I did the same thing when I was new to the hobby. I thought some of my zoo's had started on a new rock but they where on the crabs back.