i feel like im doing it harm instead of good. =[


Active Member
i cant!! i feel bad! i gave my clown fish (percula) a freshwater bath and it started to breath really heavy and move around a lot. i added some PH up to the fresh water and made the PH 7.8 same as the saltwater tank. so the Phs where ok. temp was the same. should i leave it in longer? the reason y im doing a fresh water dip is because it looks like it has pimples on his tail and back fins. should i do another dip? how long. will it die? im nervous


Active Member
If you can... set up a 10gallon tank with same salinity as your marine tank and take it down slowly over a period of a few days (i.e. 1.025 to 1.020 to 1.014 to 1.008) to 1.008 and keep him in hypo for 4 weeks to kill all that crap on him.


What do you mean by "pimples" on its' tail and fins? If it looks like grains of salt, it would be ich. However, if they are larger and look like "clumps" it could be lymphocystis in which case you should not be doing a freshwater dip and it will do nothing except stress the fish out.
Once you diagnose what exactly the problem is, THEN you can try treatments.
Any chance of posting a picture?


Active Member
Originally Posted by ReefNutPA
What do you mean by "pimples" on its' tail and fins? If it looks like grains of salt, it would be ich. However, if they are larger and look like "clumps" it could be lymphocystis in which case you should not be doing a freshwater dip and it will do nothing except stress the fish out.
Once you diagnose what exactly the problem is, THEN you can try treatments.
Any chance of posting a picture?
Additionally, a pH of 7.8 is considered dangerously low. Targeted is 8.3.


Active Member
ooh oo
mmmmmm how should i raise the Ph?

its not lymphocystis or ich. i know for sure my LFS said that its some kind of external parasite and recommended copper im using copper and im doing hypo.
now im concerned for the PH because the feshwater that im using has a PH of 6.2 and im guessing that its lowering it yet.

what should i do?


Active Member
i have a freshwater PH up but i dont know what will happen if i use it in the freshwater then add it to the tank. will it mess up? or should i do that?


test your alkalinity. It may be low causing the PH to drop. you can add seachem marine buffer to raise your PH. But, it could also be a CO2 build up. If your house is sealed tight or if you dont have any surface agitation or a skimmer to help add oxygen. Also test your pH just before your lights go out and just before they go on. that will give you the range of your pH.


Active Member
Do NOT do both copper and hypo at the same time. You have to identify the problem before you start treating the fish. Please post a picture. You can easily kill him by doing wrong treatments. A little wait in getting the correct diagnosis is not going to kill your fish, but wrong treatment can.


Active Member
the pimple looking things have disappeared ive been doing the copper thing for about a week and my lfs said it would disappear in 2 weeks and he also told me to continue or else it will come back and start to bother them again. what will happen if i do both hypo and copper?

b4 i did hypo and copper both of them would really "ich" there bodies against the rocks and sand.
i have treated them for ich b4 i think its like a snall ich infection, then when i saw the pimple looking things i got scared.
so how should i get the copper out of the tank, if i shouldn't do both?
and i found a bottle of coral buff that brings the PH to a 8.2-4
i added some and it rose to an 8.2 so my PH is ok now.


Active Member
In other words you've been doing all of this without enough knowledge of what you are doing? You have copper in your main display or do you have a QT? You can't get copper out completely. Inverts and corals will not succeed in that tank.
To be honest, your approach scares me.


NEVER follow the advice of your LFS, he was trying to sell you a sick fish and succeeded, where is the fish now and how is she?
Slow down a little. Get some photos and post in the disease fish thread, one of the experts will most likely be able to identify what the fish had. Just because the store told you it was not ICH or Lympho does not mean it's true. If she was flashing against the rocks and the spot looked like pimples it probably was lympho and you treat that with low stress and a good diet. The spot will probably come back.
Please post if the fish is in your DT or QT.


Active Member
my 12gal nano that they are in was my DT but know i got a 20gal and made my DT to a QT.
the "pimple" looking things on the fish have disapeared there is nothing to take a pic of. if u want i will show u a pic but it wont do any good.

srry i cant get a better pic i know its way to blurry
anyway in know 100% that its an external parasite


Active Member
SpiderWoman;2801421 said:
In other words you've been doing all of this without enough knowledge of what you are doing? You have copper in your main display or do you have a QT? You can't get copper out completely. Inverts and corals will not succeed in that tank.
To be honest, your approach scares me.[/QUOT
ur kinda mean. be nicer


The success of your treatment depends entirely on what kind of illness the fish has. Look up some pics of various diseases. Does it look like salt sprinkled on the fish? Ich. Does it look like cysts with velvet? Maybe Velvet. Does it look like cysts with slime? Perhaps Brooklynella. The Disease forum on this website is fantastic and the people there will be able to point you in the right direction.
Generally speaking, you always want to treat your fish in a quarantine tank instead of the main tank. (Unless, of course, you've got a fish only tank with no live rock, no inverts, and rampant ich... but that's about all.) That's because the treatments can be highly toxic to your live rock and inverts. For example, with ich, you treat the fish with hypo in a QT for a few weeks. In that time, the ich in the fishless display tank will die off, but the inverts will be okay since you didn't mess with the salinity. And you should NEVER put copper in your display tank. Copper is toxic to inverts, and will bond to absolutely everything including rocks. That means even after changing the water, that crushed coral substrate will continue to release copper into the water and kill off your inverts as well as make your live rock into dead rock

So in short, try to narrow down your disease and then hop over to the disease and treatment forums to figure out where to go from there. And remember ALWAYS QUARANTINE both new and sick fish. It's the cheapest form of preventive maintenance!!


I had a fish and the lymph came and went so don't be alarmed if it comes back, keep it in the DT and make sure it has a healthy diet and it should be okay, keep us posted and good luck.


Active Member
ok so i looked at the diseased form and there was nothing that looked like what my clownfish had. i googled "pimples,parasites, on fish" and there was nothing again. im positive that it is some kind of external parasite that got into her skin and know with the copper and hypo treatment the bumps went away and she is not "iching" on the rocks and sand anymore. but im still going to continue hypo.