I feel stupid!!!


After reading posts on this site for months I still thought I could get away with a plastic hydrometer. After losing 2 clowns I bought a refractometer and found out my salinity was 1.031, all the while my hydrometer ( the deep 2x3 model) was spot on at 1.022.

Thanks for letting me vent!


dont get me wrong im a refractometer guy as well. but tests are being done and initial results that ive heard of are that plastic hydometers are not as bad as we all thought.
im not sure if steven pro has issued his results yet but i know another Saltwater expert did an initial test and found no real problems if they were used correctly. if i find the link ill post it but im sure its not allowed here anyway but ill look.


did u cure the hydrometer? u have to cure the hydrometer for 24 hours or so in saltwater to get a proper reading. but good idea in switching to refractometer tho.


Originally Posted by rbrockm1
so you have to cure yoor hydro for it to work proper
Yep I use a hydrometer myself and I know people that also use a hydrometer. For them it reads different each time. Mine reads exactly the same if I test once of five times in a row......which I have done just to see if it reads differently. I cured mine in 1.024 salt over night, thats it. I am in no way saying that a hydrometer is the way to go!!!! Still buy a refractometer, but hydro's can work