I finally cycled, next problem!


My new 90 gallon is finally cycled. Ammonia=0, Nitrite=0, and Nitrate=10. Now here comes the fun part. Unfortunately I cycled the tank using Damsels (because I didn't use this site then). Now it looks like and got to take all the lr out to catch the Damsels. I tried using food but they just waited in the rocks till the food reached them. I got saltwater mixing now to put the lr in and start trying in morning to catch the Damsels again. Then comes the decision on what fish to put in gradually. Any Suggestions? Peaceful tank and going to go reef. :help:


Active Member
IMO you have done the right thing. Use the water you have mixing up now to do a water change to knock down the nitrate reading a bit and then wait another week.
After that week mix up enough water to remove your rock for damsel capture and then purchase your first fish and one or two that closely mirror the bio load that is on the tank with the damsels.
A small pair of true percs would be a nice first addition and will not present any aggression problems when you go to add more fish. Remember; least aggressive fish first and then on from there ending with what ever reef safe dwarf angel you decide on :joy:


We would like to get a Diamond Goby, a couple of Percula Clownfish(aquacultured), cleaner shrimp, Small Hippo eventually (move to larger tank when bigger). I also like the Pajama Cardinals. My Wife also likes the Coral Beauty


Also, I know the Clownfish is a member of the Damsel family, but can they still go in first and not cause an aggression problem?


Active Member
Originally Posted by lt34
Also, I know the Clownfish is a member of the Damsel family, but can they still go in first and not cause an aggression problem?
True and your previous post is right on as well. You have done alot ofresearch and are to be commended for your efforts so far. Can't wait to see your progression pics. Good Luck.


Thanks, 90% of research comes from listening to everyones expertise from this site. I listen to everyones advise to others and not just to me. Now when I go into the lfs, I can tell more if I'm being told the wrong things.


Active Member
It is highly unlikely that you will see any aggression problems from a pair of true or false percs as you add your other fish, especially if they are juveniles. Tank raised are fine but have the annoying habit of hosting/staking out territory associated with aquarium equipment such as power heads overflow boxes etc. which is what they have seen since hatching.
There is no guarantee wild caught specimens wont do this either.


Active Member
I have cycled all my tanks with damsels and thats fine, are more friendly ways to cycle a tank but whats done is done.
You should be fine, I am not sure what types of fish you would like to keep, from reading this post doesnt seem like you want an agressive tank.
During the water change just put the LR in some of the old water and catch the damsels or you can do what I did and get yourself a 9" puffer