I finally did it.


I decided to upgrade my main tank to a DSB. It has been up about 11 years running an undergravel filter and crushed coral. Nitrates were just starting to register about 5-10, so I thought why not...
I started the job this morning, and just put the rock back in a few minutes ago. Next comes the hard part, re-arranging it so it looks ok. The water is starting to clear, I can see most of the rocks already. The DSB is 5".

nm reef

Active Member
Kewl....now who said you couldn't teach a old dog new tricks!!!
I am so sorry...but I simply could not pass that up.
Kelly has been a great help to me in the past and I admit that was a low down cheap shot!!
In all seriousness I hope the switch to a DSB is as beneficial to your system as it was for mine...and I promise to never cheap shot you again.....*_^


NM Reef,
I will be 49 this Friday, so I have one more year before I am an old dog... I started with saltwater when I was in my early to mid teens with dwarf seahorses, and have tinkered with it ever since.
The past few years, I just did routine water changes, and did not even buy any books or magazines to see what advances had been made. Since finding this site, I have had a renewed interest, now if I just had another source of income for the tank. So if you wish to do a cheap shot, go ahead, better me than someone else. I do not mind.

nm reef

Active Member
Actually I need to explain my shot(or its source anyway).....Kelly was a big help when I needed tech info on web site developement. I was going nuts trying to figure out how to do what is simple stuff for some folks. He helped me immensely!! I'm 46 and was seeking info on writting HTML......thanks......and no real insult or harm intended..... :rolleyes: