I finally feel safe posting pictures of my tank...


I got this tank from a friend 6 months ago, the first picture below is 1 month after I received the tank from him I added 30 pounds of rock and started adding fish along with some coral. The tank only had 15 pounds of rock and a Maroon Clown when I got it.

Here it is today...

Let me know what you think?


The pictures really don't do the tank any justice, there are tons of asst. mushrooms and zoa's in there. Lots of things that you cant see in the pics, and things that you can see but only if you know what your looking for.


Active Member
it looks good, but very small for these fish...and i grew up listening to WU-tang. little krazy to see two other people rocking their symbol...


46 bowfront.
And it is small for them, but i'm moving in a month and buying a bigger tank so I don't want to get rid of them.