Not many can actually break a glass tank. Out of the mantis' commonly seen I would be most concerned of the G. chiragra, which that is not. However, if I was presented with a mantis I didn't know th eID of, I would but an acrylic sheet on th ebottom of th etank under the sand. That's the area that will be exposed to the most repeatative pounding. And usually he's either breaking rocks against the bottom or thinking the bottom is a rock and works towards breaking it. They don't often pound on th eside panels... unless you are trying to get them to do so... and all of us who have mantis' have...he he he.
If you get a got pic of inside it's clubs (encourage him to get in his defense posture and snap a pic) and a top down tail shot, we may be able to ID it for ya.
You need more rock for him and they really enjoy a PVC tunnel. It needs to be completely dark when they molt or they could have problematic molts.
This is my P. ciliata peaking out of his PVC burrow. That's the only part you see... well, except for the other opening in the "U". But the rest is under the rock.