i forgt to rinse sand what to do ?


hey i was just excited i minute ago but i forgot to rinse out the sand and i started adding water any one with advice do i have to empty the water out and then rinse the sand little by little please some advice iam geeting realy white foamy stuff i just emptied the water and got about 25% of the sand rinsed but it is not getting clear do i still have to do the whole thing thanks


I was told not to wash my sand. I got the foamy stuff to just skim it off with a net it will clear up. No probs in my tank since set up in March.
Good Luck,


Active Member
If you are just setting up your tank don't worry about it. Cycle will take care of it. Your tank may just be cloudy for a week.


the guy at my lfs said to rinse them out and get all the dirt off i guess he said if not it would hurt my cycle but if you had no problems i'm going to do the same to much of a hastel to go threw and rinse i hope it works

nm reef

Active Member
The finer silt is very good to have for bacteria to colonise. It will take time to settle but in the long run its worth it. If you've got a new system with no critters/fish/coral then just let it settle on its own. Maybe turn off or at least down the circulation and possibly run some mechanical filtration to speed it up a bit. But serious...the fuine particles are good to have....and rinseing is not a good idea.:cool:


i have to get some damsels to help my cycle do i have to wait till it settles or can i just clean up the dirt turn on my wet-dry and skimmer and get them any way i need thm to help the cycle because i have no lr thank's for all your advice it realy calmed me down


Instead of getting a damsel to cycle your tank you could always get a dead shrimp instead. It is just an option. Beware of the man who tells you to get a molly. ;) Just kidding beaslbob.


ok but can i get the shrimp tomorrow or do i have to wait if so how much shrimp and can i mix because to much shrimp smells


It takes a long time for the dust to settle. Once it is clear any movement in the tank will make a cloudy mess for a while. Have patience, you will think it will never stay clear and then one day it will be(and stay) crystal clear. I just went through this. I was ready to curse everybody here who gave me advise on setting up the DSB and then it worked out just like they said.


also, in the photography section, overanalyzer posted a pic of his tank with new water...does your look like that? if so, then its normal!!


yes it looks just like that almost milky about how long to settle anyone know can i add damsels in this water or wait might put shrimp in but just want to see somthing moving in it allthough i cant see anything in there :eek:


I wouldn't use the damsels for cycling your tank!! Did it once...never again....use dead uncooked shrimp...you could put them in now...and start your cycle...the water will stay cloudy for a while...but it won't hurt anything....in fact...once it settles it will be a better natural filter....believe me....and Never...Ever rinse your sand when adding to a new set up...
I just started my tank last Thursday. It's been cloudy for about a week already, but now I'm beginning to see light at the end of the tunnel (Or at least I can see the rock in the tank at this point.) Just be patient. It'll clear up.


I switched tanks about 2 months ago to a bigger tank, i bought new sand for new tank and was going to add the old sand to new one once new tank cycled. but my husband decided to clean old tank while i was gone and dumped all my nice 2 inches of sand into my driveway. {rock driveway} now my new tank has only 1 inch of sand. I need to add new sand, but i have several fish in tank, how do i add sand now? 2 inches? It will have to be new sand.


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by cinhark
I switched tanks about 2 months ago to a bigger tank, i bought new sand for new tank and was going to add the old sand to new one once new tank cycled. but my husband decided to clean old tank while i was gone and dumped all my nice 2 inches of sand into my driveway. {rock driveway} now my new tank has only 1 inch of sand. I need to add new sand, but i have several fish in tank, how do i add sand now? 2 inches? It will have to be new sand.

Just add the new sand slowly with maybe a plate on top of the old to help reduce the sand cloud. the fish will stay outta the way. you could also pour the sand down a pvc pipe to limit the cloud.
I use play sand from home depot/lowes/wallmart.