I found something weird!


New Member
I was just out hunting for some small stuff to add to my tank, when i looked down and saw this slug looking thing, actually it looked like two of them "toghether" but with closer examination i saw it was just one which looks pregnant or something its around 6 inches long with wing like flaps coming out from the top of its body or the bottom which ever it may be, it looks like its flying through the water, when it moves the wings it reveals something that looks like its stomach. It is a slug like creature that is brown in color and has black blotches, i have been unable to find it anywhere i have looked, please post a reply as soon as possible, thank you.


I was looking for serious replies. Not retards!!
if youre gonna be rude, nobodys gonna try to help you!!


What the hell is with the attitudes on these boards lately....
Ricks you know how I feel about our mother in laws...lol
Shane, there is a hitchiker thread listed in the reef or the beginners section check out the pics on it and see if there is something that looks close to yours....BTW you catch more flies with honey than vinegar....try that sometime.


I thought it was funny. I was actually hoping it was my mother-in-law but unfortunately I know exactly where she is...TOO CLOSE.


itchy, thanks 4 your reply, i guess that theres more to life than just m?inlaws and frustraded no hoppers!!!!!!!!! (the impossible can be achived!!!!!! miracles take a bit longer!
:D (rick)


Active Member
Wow, some folks need a bit of introduction to "forum" community socializing. I can understand people misunderstanding when there is a lack of emoticons. But Ricks280 used three to clearly indicate his intent:
- means, "Hi" which could mean "hey, I noticed you are new to the boards, nice to see you; welcome"
- "rolling on the floor laughing" which means, I just told what I think is a joke, admittedly, it may not be that funny (case in point
) but I tried to be light hearted.
:D - means I'm smiling. Though certain other animals bare teeth in order to show aggression or intimidation, in most humans it means "I'm happy, not threatening"
So, I don't know if Ricks280 is a "retard" ( :rolleyes: means - what are we, in 5th grade?) , but he seems like a happy nice bloke anyway. At the very least, he answered the post, which automatically bumps it up to the top of the list. One should look for happiness in the little things.
And considering this was a "hitch hiker" question - an not a common hitch hiker ID at that - posted in the photography section without a picture...well, I would be careful who I would call a retard.
<----note use of emoticon implying "I think I told a funny."
Man, people are so serious on these boards sometimes. I noticed it too itchy....