I get tired of hearing this! Rant!

darth tang

Active Member
The media outlets are really starting to irritate me with one line they all keep repeating. "The Defecit is the highest it has ever been Under President Bush!".
What genius came up with this bit of news? For the last 70 years the defecit has risen steadily. So for the last 70 years it has been higher for each president than it previously was in history. The same thing they keep saying in the news could have been said for EVERY president for the last 70 years, but NOW it is an issue? I just want to strangle the reporter each time they comment on it.
In the last 100 years there have only been 3 presidents to decrease the defecit. Wilson,Harding, and Coolidge. All from 1919-1930.
Before that it was during 1879-1890 when it decreased then.
Sometimes I want to beat reporters with their cameramen. Tell me something new, not something that has been going on for 70 years and NOW it is a serious issue.
I feel better now, thanks.


Exactly, I also have a problem w/ the fact that with every war the economy slides. Not to get into WHO is at fault for the war issue, just the fact that it always has a direct effect on our countries economy. So why play the blame game in "this is the presidents fault". As long as we are at war, (with any president) we will have economy issues.
I feel better now! :thinking:

darth tang

Active Member
I have to disagree with you....WWII actually helped our economy.......
I guess I didn't realize our economy was bad though.....have to look into that.


One thing is the budget deficit and another is the National debt. The actual debt is close to 8.3 Trillion dollars, the budget deficit is close to 300 Billion.
That number the budget deficit, 300 Billion (give and take a few millions) is the number that everybody says is the highest during any presidency, that is a fact and is correct. The National debt on the other hand keeps growing year by year. I guess that is the number you are talking about


Originally Posted by Darth Tang
I have to disagree with you....WWII actually helped our economy.......
I guess I didn't realize our economy was bad though.....have to look into that.
ever heard of "The Great Depression"?


Active Member
The second world war helped, but do know i think bush is a complete idiot.. i dont blame our debt on him completely but i do believe a leader is responsible for its countries problems, him and his staff.

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by petieaztec
he was trying to say that your comment about ww2 helping the economy was incorrect mr. tang.

That is why I asked what about it....knowing the two have no relation.......

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by fishzen
One thing is the budget deficit and another is the National debt. The actual debt is close to 8.3 Trillion dollars, the budget deficit is close to 300 Billion.
That number the budget deficit, 300 Billion (give and take a few millions) is the number that everybody says is the highest during any presidency, that is a fact and is correct. The National debt on the other hand keeps growing year by year. I guess that is the number you are talking about

It was also a fact when Clinton was President in 1993. Even 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, and 2000. So why wasn't it a staple comment for the media?


the person probably got confused on the dates, they are not as much of history lovers like we are that's all. i am surprised that i even remembered that i like the italian reniassance as my passion.


i wouldn't argue with darth about political crap... he knows his stuff...

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by Jer4916
The second world war helped, but do know i think bush is a complete idiot.. i dont blame our debt on him completely but i do believe a leader is responsible for its countries problems, him and his staff.
What about Congress?


Active Member
WWII was a major factor in bringing the country out of the depression. The depression lasted all throughout the 30's, not just a year or two.


Originally Posted by Darth Tang
It was also a fact when Clinton was President in 1993. Even 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, and 2000. So why wasn't it a staple comment for the media?
Here we go again with the 'Clinton days', few reasons why maybe it is was not a staple comment; maybe because the amount of the BUDGET DEFICIT was not as big, maybe because on the last years of Clinton there was actually a SURPLUS on the budget, maybe because the country was on a better shape that is is now, maybe just because the media is mainly liberal.
In any case you can always change channels, works for me every time I see Bush's face on my TV..


Active Member
Monica was hired to keep Clinton's Economic numbers out of the headlines. Conspiracy?! I think so.
Lets argue some more!!!


Active Member
The deal with Bush is that he has no fiscal control. The amount by which he’s expanded the gov. would make the Democrats blush, spends a ton of cash on the war on terror, home land security and his tax cuts have all take their toll…that’s why the media has made such an issue of it. Spending in Bush Sr’s term and Clinton’s term were much more conservative then what we’ve seen with Bush Jr.