I get tired of hearing this! Rant!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
I think it was Seymour Hersh who said that, not Kerry.........IDK
You are correct..it was the "esteemed" Mr Hersh.........I was incorrect.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Hey Scuba, where ya been?
Also, where's Darth Tang been?
And I agree, Kerry said what he thought and in so doing mobilized his opposition.
I have been working on some "projects". Too many of those going on. I've got too much started..and nothing finsihed.
I also have been speending some time up in the MOuntains of NM...as we purchased a cabin up there this summer.
Yes, Kerry made a classic goof....even memebrs of his own party did not embrace his "words" or chuckle at his "joke".
The question is....was it a goof...or does he actually beleive this?
it can only help the opposition next week...I doubt it helped his own party.
Joke or not.....does this in some way represent his own personal views and convictions? Who knows.
Either way the Dems will have a big week...perhaps it would have been bigger if Kerry simply stayed in his office pouring his Heinz Ketchup on his burger.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
You are correct..it was the "esteemed" Mr Hersh.........I was incorrect.
Yea, I knew....But....those were pretty serious comments that you accused Kerry of saying, without checking the facts...or did you know the facts before hand. ?

How does that happen...was it planed ? .....Im trying to understand...thats all..
...Im not saying you are lieing, but are you...????.... porposely lieing .....or have you been lied to yourself....is it from a trusted news source, haha
To make false accusations, repeatedly. And not even apologize.
Now thats shamefull IMO.
Are you just repeating something someone told you ? Or resulting to any means to mislead people.....I think that this ( maybe purposely, maybe not ) is just an on going tactic that many use to mislead, on all sides, well maybe not all sides to the same extent, a prime example. Spinning and twisting and flat out lieing about someone to promote an agenda.....makes me sick....Drinking and serveing KoolAid, as some call it..... :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:


The truth is that debt is good when there is a positive return. It is like in business. I borrow 10 million to build a building. If I dont get the 10 million back plus interest and then profit well it was bad debt. Our national debt is a bad investment. It just keeps getting higher and higher. You realize how the sale of tbills works? It allows the government to finance itself. Foreign companies and countries along with domestic buy these items because they feel they are a safe investment but also because they really dont know what to do with all their us dollars besides buying out the american industrial complex. But anyway the government will borrow lets say for example 100,000,000 through the sale of tbills. When they mature the government has to pay that money back plus interest so for argument sake lets say they have to pay back 100,001,000. They dont pay it back. They sell more tbills to pay the original. The problem is that this can only happen for so long until it hits a point where the foreign countries realize hey this may be a problem and start to diversify.
Here is also how the economy can be turned into a weapon. Our crazy export deficits that are totally anti american (since the politicians and companies forget america is a country first and an economy second) allow foreign companies to gain huge amounts of dollars. What do they do with them? Buy our debt and buy our industries. They get more and more from this and need more and more things to invest it into. Other countries use the us currency to backup their own. They also hold these dollars for trade. China has a policy that they can hold dollars but we cannot hold chinese currency. Why is this a problem? Imagine dumping all that money onto the market at once. It would literally destroy the economy because the value would drop like a rock. Now we cannot buy anything.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
If an american soldier commits murder....what do you call it.....? It happened, beleive it. Its happening now.....
I call it murder... I don't, however, say our military is comitting murder, I say a soldier committed murder.
Teachers have --- with underage students. Is it fair to say "Teachers in the USA are rapists?"
I'm sure there are accounts of german soldiers protecting jews. Is it fair to say the german army was pro jewish?
Sen Kerry steeotypes the US military with any bad apples he can link them too. Following his logic, since Sen Kerry was in the military is he a murdering rapist?
There are over 100,000 military people in Iraq. Show me a town in the world with a population that size that doesn't have murders and rapes.... I'm not justifying it, I'm just saying human nature is such that there will be bad people doing bad things anywhere.


Active Member
One would have to try to understand the context that a statment is taken from...
A statement alone '' Teachers in the USA are rapists '' is true...some have and thats makes the statement true.
If you argue that not all teachers are then that is reasonable but does not make the statement false.
The statement does not say that all teachers are and the statement does not say that no teachers are.
To me its like saying '' bulldogs kill children ". this statement is true.....
but it does not mean as a statement standing alone, that '' all '' bulldogs kill children....but you will have someone that loves bulldogs cry out about how its because of the owners and how there trained and circumstances there kept in, bla bla....to defend the dogs that do kill, not blameing the dog....and thats reasonable as well.
Kerry has never said '' all '' soldiers commit war crimes...his complaints has been just like that of the dog owner.....defending the soldier and blameing the commanders and the tactics ect....
It like if you have a car that your proud of, fixed it up nice and new paint job but one day you find a scratch on it......
You dont now hate the car, you hate the scratch, you want to know who scratched it, you want to get the scratched fixed, you try to park it where it cant get scratched any more. so you can be proud of the car again.....
If you dont think that some of the horrors committed in VietNam was worth speaking out against then reaserch Charlie Company or the village of My Lai...
You may not think so or are content with that kind of conduct but aparently Kerry was not......nor was the people back home and that kind of activity nearly destroyed the peoples faith in the military......
Now it could could be getting to the point again, but this time the people IMO, are not blameing the soilders, now this time around they understand whos to blame, the spineless leadership in Congress and Bush and Rummy....