I give up... IIS sucks.


For those of you that wanted to see some of my pictures: -> here are some of them. I had to grab some free space since I am having problems with IIS and just don't want to mess with it atm. Anyway here are some of my fish. Nurse sharks, leopard, horn, brownbanded bamboo. Some of these pics are old ones some new. There are a couple angels and a flying gurnard there too. I think you may see a cleaner wrasse a couple lunare wrasses and a pencil wrasse too.
Anyway enjoy and I will add more later, soon as I find a digital camera to use.

mr . salty

Active Member
Good looking fish,,But how about some pics of these backyard,and shed tanks and equiptment.I'd like to see that.....


Working on it Salty ;) I don't own a digital camera but I have a couple friends that own them. As soon as I can get my hands on one I'll get some more. I also got some more pics of my sharks lying around on my hard drive, I just gotta find them. I've got 13 hard disks and about 400gigs to search through so.... but I'll let ya know when I put more up.


I tried to view your pics, but couldn't get ti to work, the page said you had exceeded your "free" limit of space.
I live in Minneapolis, and have a digital camera.