i give up :(


Active Member
gonna do a water change tomorrow, suck up what i can without sucking up too much sand, and keep the lights off for three days. most i left them off was 2 with actinics going. thanks for the suggestions.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sign guy
sand siffting star sand siffting gobbie?

I would not do either of these personally, as both will have negative impacts on the tank long term, IMO.
I would try leaving the lights off for several days.
But you know what? I used that chemical. I felt I had to as well or I would have just given up. It is not the end of the world. Watch things closely, but it doesn't make you a bad hobbyist or something for using it.


Im no expert at this hobby by any means but I beat a BAD outbreak of red cyano with a turkey baster and small water changes everyday for 7 days straight. Blow it off whatever surface it is on and siphon out during water changes. Dont treat with anything. Adding anything to your tank That you are not 100% sure of what it will do is a bad rule to break. WATER CHANGES!


Active Member
I have had to use "chemi-clean" on mine. it depleats oxygen so follow the directions closely and be prepared for a massive water change. I follow the directions, dosed 1st day, dosed 2nd day and it took care of it. I tried all the other remedies too like food, circulation, lights etc. The chemical is all that would work. Important to follow directions closely.


Active Member
I used chem-clean with great success, I also tried pretty much everything else I could think of before using the chemi-clean and the red slime would just come back in a day or two. I did not experience any negative results from using the product so I would strongly recommend it.


Active Member
I tried all the above too...more circulation, different bulbs, turned lights off 3 days, switched to RO water, water changes, etc, etc, etc.
Used this and it was gone. Be conservative on dosing (eg remember rock displaces water so even if you have a 55g tank, you don't have 55 g of water in many cases). Watch how everything reacts, be ready with water changes as directed. But otherwise it worked fine and I had the motivation to continue in the hobby.
I was about ready to throw in the towel. IMO, if you have reached the point of total frustration and are about to give up, use this product for sure.


try erythromycin, 1 tablet treatment overnight results, leave filters out for 4-5 days..and as usual everyone is giving you hints as to what is causing your problem.. check each point out and correct to prevent further outbreaks..

tx reef

Active Member
Just cut down feedings and photo-period; make sure you have enough flow.
Other than that, the only thing that will get rid of it is time. When that stuff took over my tank after it had been set up 4 months, I tried everything; no lights, almost no feedings, increased flow, chemi-clean, freshwater marycin (iwas desperate and would not recommend marycin), water changes every other day, etc....
It finally cleared up after about 5 or 6 weeks. I know it is hard, but just wait it out. It will go away.
I'll post some pics Monday of my tank when it was completey covered in red slime and one of it now (my old pics are saved on my computer at work).


Active Member
chemi clean!!! my nano had red slime all over...after using chemi clean i no longer have any trace of the slime. good luck!


Active Member
What do you have for flow. I had some and I added another ph and it was gone in a few days. Thats the only thing that I changed.


Active Member
wow lotsa responses over night!!
lfs had chemiclean and redslime remover. i was afraid of the chemiclean since it depleats oxygen in the water. im not sure how that can be good for fish.
im not giving up on the fish tank by no means. the redslime just is kicking my arse and i've been trying everything i can think of for 2 weeks. turning off the actinics is the last thing i didn't do. i'm giving up cause i didn't want to use chemicals if i didn't have to and its to the point where i feel i do.
i have 2 maxijet 1200's, one mag500 (return from sump), and i put in another maxijet 900 right over the affected area. the cyano just formed fingers and started waving at me.


Active Member
I have had my go around with cyano. Nearly to the point of removing corals so I could eliminate any intense lighting.
Here are a few of my observations.
Red slime remover will work and is relatively risk free. I would however remove as much cyano by hand before using it and be prepared with water for changes and turn off skimmer.
Skimmer! A inefficient, inadequate, low performing or none existent skimmer is most of the problem. I have seen cyanno growing in tanks with undetectable nitrate, phosphate and silicate levels. As soon as a good quality skimmer was added to the system the problem became manageable and eventually eliminated. A good indicator of an inefficient skimmer is any kind of film on the surface of your water. This is in most cases dissolved organics i.e. fuel for cyano.
I have seen cyano grow in high flow areas of a tank. Saying "increase flow" is a simple thing indeed provided you have no corals that will be extremely unhappy with that increased flow. Examples would be mushrooms and my fox coral.
Low oxygen levels alk levels and PH. Get a power head ripping the surface of the water in some part of the system to increase oxygen levels and drip kalk to increase PH and alk levels.


Active Member
ok, did a 15 gal water change, and sucked up 90% of the cyano. i almost cried at how white my sand is

i did put in the red slime remover, and this morning my fish are still alive, which is always a good thing. i'll have to see tonight how this stuff works on the cyano.
what do i do with the sand that got sucked up? i put some remover into that 5 gallon to try to kill the cyano off, could i put it back in the tank once it's clear? or should i just throw it out?


Active Member
Originally Posted by froznfinn
try erythromycin, 1 tablet treatment overnight results, leave filters out for 4-5 days..and as usual everyone is giving you hints as to what is causing your problem.. check each point out and correct to prevent further outbreaks..

emt will kill off all beneficial bacteria in the tank though and i'd only use that as a last result, which would follow after living with cyano.


Active Member
The best thing I have found for that crap is big multiple water changes. Good flow and don't feed too much. The bio filtration will take care of it when you get the trates/phosphates down with water changes...