i got a 2 week old bamboo today


well i went to the LFS and he was still there..he was $70..did i pay too much? I prob did cause this store always charges more but they have good quality animals. I got ghost shrimp for him. They said he eats good and is very healthy.here he is getting aclimated
Its the lower right pic on the main page


Very cool. Mine hatched a week ago. He still hasn't eaten, but he's very active and doesn't hide. I'm hoping these are all good signs. Keep us posted.:D


yeah i put 2 ghost shrimp in the tnak with him, so maybe he will eat tonight, but im not worried about that cause the store said he eats good. He is very active tonight and has only been in the tank for a few hours...he is searching his surroundings.. when he swims towards the top of the tank and up high you can tell he is still clumsy cause he is swimming upside down and bumping into things, he is so cute though.. he hasnt showed interest in my damsels yet and i have decided not to go with the eel cause i think the bio-load will be too much for my 55gal. Any ideas of good fish that can go with him in the 55gal??


$70 bucks? Ouch. I got mine for $13 two years ago when it was about that same age. The average price around here is about $40 so I think $70's a bit high. I dont think you'll have to worry about the damsels. These sharks mouths are really small, I doubt it could even eat one right now. Good luck with it.


thanks jim..he is so cool, when i dimm the lights in my room he starts to swim all over the tank like a madman..they are really fun to watch. I am going to do a small water change tomorrow just to make sure ammonia and nitrites are down. I was just wondering do these guys have teeth?


Lol Of course they have teeth. If they didnt they'd probably starve. They're really small and sharp.


my tank is fine right now...everything is at zero and im watching him swim around and eat as i type...but thanks for the concern


Active Member
WOW, You cycled in seven hours??!!??!!
2:29pm "ammonia is at .25"...9:21pm "everythings at 0"
That must be some kind of record!!! :D ;) :D


If you still have ammonia in your tank either something died or your tank hasnt cycled. Either way its bad for the shark. Sounds like your tank is still cycling and if thats true the shark will probably die.


ok u had your fun..so in a month when i post another pic of him healthy than all you guys can see that everything was fine and maybe apolgize for all the remarks..ok maybe i did rush into it but i did it and im gonna keep the conditions as good as possible. so maybe instead of being rude u can let me know what i can do to help my tank stay stable