i got a featherduster today???


hi everyone its been awhile. i have been letting the tank set for 8 weeks i bought two clowns on saturday and went to the pet store today and got a feather duster .do i need to put it in a rock or put it in the sand bed.i have it in a medium flow area is that right? :notsure: any info will help alot


Active Member
Medium flow is just fine. Just make sure to feed a invert food. Marine Snow, Zoo plex, something like this so the duster has something to eat. Is this your first filter feeder?


i have an anomone but i feed him shrimp once a week where should i set him in the sand or in rock crevice??


Active Member
It depends on the type of anemone, some like the sand others like the rocks---what do you have?


Active Member
You can put the duster in the sand or on the rocks, it doesn't matter. I have mine in both places.


Active Member
as alyssia said, you can put them on either sand or rock.
imo, your tank is a little young for an anemone.

reef diver

Active Member
Ditto to that, I had my own bad experience, my anemone (a bubble tip) was fine, and settld in, then a large snail of mine shifted the rock the anemone it was on, and the anemone diddnt like the new placement and walked into a powerhed. :(
Sorry to steal your thread.


Originally Posted by teen
as alyssia said, you can put them on either sand or rock.
imo, your tank is a little young for an anemone.

why do you say that??


Active Member
anemones need extremely good water conditions in a mature tank. a young tank could still have algae blooms and a lot of other problems that would stress or kill the anemone. as the tank gets older, it will become more stable and established, which would give the anemone a better home. the truth is that a tank shouldnt even have coral in it until its about 3 months old. just like a clam, an anemone needs prestine water conditions, and most people recomend having your tank set up for at least 8 months before considering a clam.


my tank has been set up since febuary and my anomone has been there since march and is doing real good hes the only thing that has stayed with me but my questions were really for the feather duster or are they in the same family with the anomones