I Got A Phillip. Morray!!!!!!!!! He Is Sooo Cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


OH! and to answer a question asked a while back in the thread, the white tube is a PVC pipe that i thouht would make the eel feel more comfortable because where he came from, was a big tank with TONS of PVC pipes that the eels were in. IDK, im not a doctor, i just thouth it may help, but he didnt pay any attention to it even once..lol


Originally Posted by sethw
Can anyne give this Eel a positive species based on the pics and video i provided?
Gymnothorax richardsonii
Richardson's Moray
I bet i know what hes thinking: "yum, yellowtail damsel"... ***)
They are known to attack and rip flesh from fish too large for them to swallow whole. Just a thought when selecting tankmates. Min tank is 20gal but he does grow to be a foot, so will outgrow a smaller tank (and attack your dog if he decides he wants out).


New Member
Originally Posted by XoXoX
Gymnothorax richardsonii
Richardson's Moray
I bet i know what hes thinking: "yum, yellowtail damsel"... ***)
They are known to attack and rip flesh from fish too large for them to swallow whole, just a thought when selecting tankmates.
I thought it looked more like a Gymnothorax Mordax...
(California Moray) Shorter snout than the Richardson
I'm not a marine biologist though...


Originally Posted by Newb#1589867
I thought it looked more like a Gymnothorax Mordax...
(California Moray) Shorter snout than the Richardson
I'm not a marine biologist though...

Could be... :thinking:


Active Member
Originally Posted by sethw
OH! and to answer a question asked a while back in the thread, the white tube is a PVC pipe that i thouht would make the eel feel more comfortable because where he came from, was a big tank with TONS of PVC pipes that the eels were in. IDK, im not a doctor, i just thouth it may help, but he didnt pay any attention to it even once..lol
your aquascape is probably enough fun for it right now and he may feel comfortable enough not to need the pvc.
i will say though that my wife would never let me bring that thing into the house LOL. how's it doing this morning?


He is doing great, he loves my rock setup, like, i set it up not thin king i woulc keep the setup for eels, and he loves it, my friend dan ans i were talking today and i think i wam goign to buy a Green Wolf Eel today to accompany my eel, arent the wolf eels really blenny's anyway?


Yeah, i looked up both the Californina dnd the Richardson, and he has the patterns of the Richardson, but the snout thing is right for the California,,,hmmm.,......


New Member
I'll through my 2 cents in, here is a picture of my eel.

I think these look allot like mine. I have always thought my eel was a Peppered Morey as seen in these links
I would be sure and keep a lid on the tank, mine has jumped out twice in 6 years. Mine seems to be able to live for an extended period of time out of water (on carpet). My eel is in a 150 gal. tank with some very small fish (small chromis & clown) and has never ate any fish or invert. I feed him raw shrimp,scallops,krill, or anything meety. He usally has his head sticking out of his den during the day and rarely swims during the day, but at night he swims laps up & down and across the tank. Mine is about 25" long now. I really think you should get a bigger tank for him if possible to swim, although I'm not sure what size your tank is, soooo.
I worked for about 3 years at a LFS in Durham, NC. We got those all the time for $5 wholesale as (local) asst. Morays (this was in the early 90's) and they retailed at 12.99. I felt sure they came from the Fla coast. At any rate, they are hearty eaters and grow quickly. Real quickly. I recall people wanting to trade in their larger ones and us not being able to take them. My LFS now has around 6 of them for sale. I'll get pics if you guys want, but I'm certain it's the same type of eel if not species.
Edit: Charles20, that is a different animal than what Seth pictured. I've seen smaller specimens of yours. I think you have a peppered.


Yeah, i dont think it is apeppered, if you lok closely, it has patterns that look alot like "snowflakes' but i know it is not a snowflake eel. If it is Richardson, it will not get any larget thatn 12", but if it sint....??? So Russy, you worked with these, do you happen to remember what they were called there/ My buddy Mac also says that it is a Phil. Moray, but i trus tlike 15 other peoples opinions over the two guys i know... so, just help me out here, thanks for all the help so far guys, i really appreciate it, and i really like the name "Jimbo"...lol thanx



Originally Posted by PonieGirl
While I don't care for eels in the least bit, Seth, that
is nice rockwork! And he does look happy ( ? )
Well, i do take alot of care in my rockwork...
Thanks.... I also designed Dans firs tank, and i helped alot in his new 75 gallon. I am goign to re-do it tho, the right side(the one the eel does not go near thankfully) because it is not 100% stable...