I got a shark egg... now what?

ray fdny

New Member
The pet store sold me a shark egg...(a banded reef cat shark) i think. umm i had it in my tank for about a month and it is growing, the shark is about 2 to 3 inches now and the yolk is almost all gone. i was told when the yolk is all gone it will hatch. is this tru? what should i do when it comes out? should i isolate it in my refugium? how do i go about feeding itfor the first time?


You have had this egg in your tank for a month and dont know what to expect. Do a little looking around on the internet and you will find tons of information. That will be your best bet.


I don't know but you'd probably get better responses in the aggressive forum. I've seen it discussed a few times over there.


Active Member
well unless you have a very large system you need to take it back or start looking for a home for it . These sharks get well over 3 foot long .


lots of sand, very little rocks, just a cave for it to hide in. soaking food in garlic may help it to eat. HUGE skimmer


From looking at your post count i would say your kinda a newbee right.If thats the case i would say take it back.You should have did some research first to see what is needed to keep one.Not say you can't when there a pup but they grow pretty big & fast.All i can say is good luck you will need it.

shark bait

I have a post on sharks look it up it is also in the newbie section under must know stuff.