I got feakin' ich whats the best to do?


I just noticed multiple spots of ich on my sixline wrasse which I have had for 2 yrs+
I also see one spot on one of my clowns(which were in QT 4 weeks and added 7-3-08) and I think I see one or two spots on my flame angel(added the soonest on 7-5-08) and no spots on my foxface( added 6-7-08). I had been quarantining all my fish up until the flame angel. I was just worried about my small QT( 10 gals) and I thought since they have had him (the flame angel) for 2 weeks and the lady there told me that they always FW dip there fish and use UV I should be fairly safe. I spent alot on this fish and I really wanted badly to move him into the best possible environment that I could and not stress him out in my 10 gal QT that I have. BAD MOVE
I should have known better

Another possible idea of were it came from could be from a new store I stopped at last weekend and I bought a feather duster and ric from them on july 8th. Do you think it could have came with the ric and feather duster and shown up this quick since the flame isn't showing as bad as the wrasse?
So here's my predicament for treatment. I don't know what is best.
Do I try to move all the fish to the HT/QT and in the prossess wreck my rock work trying to catch the fish? Or should I try to treat with garlic and put my UV on the DT?
Would all my fish be ok in a 10 gal tankfor 6 weeks for hypo treatment? I'm kind of nervous about my QT and the amount of fish.
2 small clowns
1 sixline wrass
1 foxface
1 flame angel
Whats the best way to go here? I really wish I just had a bigger QT and I would move them in no problem.


I just got lucky and caught both clowns at once should I go ahead and move them to the HT regardless?


Active Member
I would suggest moving all of the fish into a 20 gallon long or larger. The 10 really is not big enough.
If that is not possible, the 10 will have to do.
Garlic and the UV will only be (at best) a very short term patch to a major issue.


Would moving my HOB filter w/biowheel , sponge filter, power head, and misc decor that are currently in my 10 gal qt into a new 20 gal long QT carry over enough biological filtration to get the tank instantly cycled? I could sacrifice some LR from my fuge if necessary knowing I'll kill most of it in hypo.
FYI - The 10 gal has been up since the beginning of april.


I picked up a 20gal long today and I also grabed some seachem garlic guard to help buy some time. I'll feed frozen tonight after a soak in the garlic and I'll be transfering all them water, filters, decor and a small pile of LS from the 10 gal to the new 20 gal tonight including the 2 clowns that I put in last night. Then once the 20 Gal is up and running I'll attempt to catch the 3 remaining fish and get them in the 20 gal to start Hypo. I really hope I can pull this off without killing anything. I have read about using a sponge filter to seed a QT and also heard of using the biowheel. From what I have read I think I should be ok with the biological filtration in the new 20. Hopefully its enough to handle all the fish though. I really don't want to kill them by moving them into a uncycled tank.
something is telling me this could be very bad. I'm really really nevious about this.
Am I on the right track here? should I be going about this differently? Please Help!

al mc

Active Member
I share your concerns about a the effects of a poorly cycled QT/HT. There are many situations where, IMHO, as many fish are lost because of a toxic
nitrogen cycle spike as from the Ich parasite effects in a poorly cycled QT.
Opinions will vary, but this is how I would handle it.
Read Beth's thread on setting up a QT and Hyposalinity in the archived threads at the top of this forum section.
IF, the fish are all eating well and acting close to normal I would feed fresh garlic 'juiced' food with a vitamin supplement and keep them in the DT until you can get the 20 gallon up and cycled. If you have the filters, powerheads, heaters, and decorations available to you to keep the 10g running AND to set up the 20G QT then put the clowns in the 10g and consider starting treament on them (most people use hyposalinity....I would not start the hyposalinity unless you have a refractometer). Once the 20g is cycled, move the remaining fish in there and treat them.
If you have to use the 10g equipment in the 20 g.....then I would consider returning the clowns to the DT while you cycle the 20g. Once cycled, I would add the clowns, wait a day or so, if all ok, then add the rest of the fish
slowly ( 1 at a time every 2 days )...Hopefully, this will keep you from having an ammonia spike. Then do hyposalinity on all of them.
Keep the DT fishless for at least 4 weeks (better still 6 weeks)........
This is just an outline.....If you have more questions there are many people here that have gone through this before and are happy to help


AL thanks for responding I was starting to wonder if this thread was invisible.
Since I didn't here anything b4 now I went ahead and moved everything (2 clowns I put in last night, HOB filter, dirt magnet sponge filter, heater, pvc pipes, fake plants and some LS) from the 10 gal QT/HT into the new 20 gal QT/HT. I know I should at least have enough biological filtration for 2 or 3 fish and since 3 of the fish are very small I'm crossing my fingers this works.
I went ahead and pulled most of my LR out of the DT to catch the foxface, flame angel and sixline. I currently have the 3 of them floating in bags in the 20 gal. And a messy pile of rocks in the DT.
I started feeding garlic soaked foods today and they went crazy for it so I'll continue this as well.
I'll start lowering salinity tomorrow since the move from the DT to my QT dropped it alittle already. I'm sure the fish have been through enough today after being netted and placed in a new tank, I just don't want to stress them much more tonight with water changes.


Be sure to keep an eye on the PH when you drop the SG. Check the readings daily and have water ready for a change, should it spike.