I Got Him In A Pic


Active Member
I finally was able to snap a few pics of my infamous hitch hiker. I know he is no harm to the tank. And he must taste like the south end of a north bound mule cuz he is still alive and has been nose to nose with some of my hermits before and they dont touch him. Anyone know what he is? I call him Slimey.

He quickly turned and started down the back side of the rock. Thats all I saw of him.
FYI I have a really good digital camera, this guy is sooo small I could hardly focus on him to where you could see his shape. And it still came out a tad blurry. LOL


He looks like a neat little guy, but I have no clue as to what it is from the pictures. Maybe describing what we are looking at would help us decipher the pics a bit.


Active Member
Ok well the last pic is the eaisest to see. You are looking at the side of him as he is looking at the back of the tank. The others are of him moving away from you and those little bulbs are on top of his head like little antenna. He slinks along very much like an inch worm. His back looks like its a leaf or a curled up piece of lettuce.


New Member
Not the best pix of the little guy, but its sounds like a Lettuce Nudibranch...I have one and he's kinda cool, a little boring but I like him.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bonebrake
It is a Stomatella sp. snail.

Looked up some pictures of this. It has no shell, and looks alot different than the pictures I have seen.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AzKid
Not the best pix of the little guy, but its sounds like a Lettuce Nudibranch...I have one and he's kinda cool, a little boring but I like him.

This guy fits the bill to a tee. Looks almost identicle to the the one in my tank. Just a lot smaller version of it and a different color.


Active Member
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
Looked up some pictures of this. It has no shell, and looks alot different than the pictures I have seen.
If there is no shell then it must be some kind of nudibranch. There are a lot of different species; if it is mostly green, it is most likely an algae eater.