I got ICK!! Need advice to treat it.


MAN, you are having a rough time.
Can you get the fish out and QT them and do hypo? If you can, you can leave your DT empty for 6-8 weeks, and the ich should die out


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
MAN, you are having a rough time.
Can you get the fish out and QT them and do hypo? If you can, you can leave your DT empty for 6-8 weeks, and the ich should die out

+1 Nothing on the market really works IMO.
It doesn't really do a thing to the ich. I upped the temp to 82 in my 90g, and fed my fish a fresh garlic juice lased piece of shrimp, and got some skunk cleaner shrimp.
The higher temp and garlic juice shrimp was to help with immunity and the cleaner shrimp cleared the parasite off the fish’s gills and fins.
10 months and still ich free. My blue hippo tang used to get ich so much I was about to give up. This was my last effort and all seems well. A healthy happy fish can fight off the ich parasite. Without a host the ich dies off.

noah's nemo

I am not a firm believer in garlic as being an ich killer,but some swear by it.I just do not think there is any proof out there yet that it kills ich.I found this info as i searched abit.It is very interesting.https://forums.saltwaterfish.com/t/127007/faqs-fish-diseases-treatments-quarantine-health-info#post_1509974


It doesn't kill ich. All the garlic is for is to boost a fish's appetite so it eats more food. Supposed to boost the immune system too, but I am not sure if I believe that. I do use it though and the fish go crazy for it.


UV Sterlizer if used properly. I had a blue hippo that had ick 3 times in 3 years. Everytime I just let it go and it never bothered other fish or the tang. Just make sure you get the proper bulb rating and flow rate. I purchased a Jebo one from a popular site and it works just fine.


Here is where I am at right now. I bought a ich treatment from my LFS. I am using a mega dose which is according to instructions. I thought I'll give it a try since my ich is not very bad right now. If this doesn't work, I will probably grab as much live rock as I can and use a copper treatment. Then use the copper treatment. I know I'll sacrifice my invertebrates but my fish cost alot more then they do. Casuality of war. Keep ya posted.
P.S. I started the treatment at 2pm EST and tonight at 10 pm it seems like the hippo tang isn't stratching as bad. I know it's probably me hoping this but I never know.


Originally Posted by scottnlisa
What about getting a UV sterilizer and a couple cleaner shrimp?
I have heard horror stories about ick
What did you get from your lfs?
IDK...I don;t want to give you bad advice.....do you use vitamins? Supposedly if your fish are very healthy....vitamins, garlic...etc....they can fight ich off....you will never be rid of it, but it may not harm HEALTHY fish
anytime there is stress though...the ick may reappear....all that I read...leads me to believe hypo and leaving the dt fallow is all that will gaurantee the demise of ick


Originally Posted by meowzer
I have heard horror stories about ick
What did you get from your lfs?
IDK...I don;t want to give you bad advice.....do you use vitamins? Supposedly if your fish are very healthy....vitamins, garlic...etc....they can fight ich off....you will never be rid of it, but it may not harm HEALTHY fish
anytime there is stress though...the ick may reappear....all that I read...leads me to believe hypo and leaving the dt fallow is all that will gaurantee the demise of ick

It's called Aquaherbals Ich-Attack. 100% organic. I just smelled it and
the garlic is strong. It is safe for reef and live rock aquariums. Not for fishes intended for human consumption. Darn, there goes my Friday night activity. LOL


WELL.....Since you have it might as well try it....it can't hurt....but not too sure it will help either
Get some garlic, and some vitamins in the mean time also....
what do you feed your fish?


Originally Posted by meowzer
WELL.....Since you have it might as well try it....it can't hurt....but not too sure it will help either
Get some garlic, and some vitamins in the mean time also....
what do you feed your fish?
My tangs get algae/seaweed. Starfish gets frozen fish. The others get flakes and about every 3 days shrimp brine.


flakes are equal to potato chips
frozen mysis, emerald entree, marine cuisine....those are some better foods
selcon, zoe, zoecon, vita-chem.....are some good vitamins to soak the foods in


Originally Posted by meowzer
flakes are equal to potato chips
frozen mysis, emerald entree, marine cuisine....those are some better foods
selcon, zoe, zoecon, vita-chem.....are some good vitamins to soak the foods in
Thanks. I'll try to pick some up tomorrow. I really appreciate your help and input.


Originally Posted by scottnlisa
Thanks. I'll try to pick some up tomorrow. I really appreciate your help and input.
Like I said...I don't know a lot about ich....I just read a lot of threads hoping to learn more....I hope I can help in some way

noah's nemo

I had to gut my 125 a year ago because of ich.There are only 2 Proven ways to kill ich!Hypo and copper.I would advise against copper in your DT as well.You must remove all your fish,if this means taking evey piece of rock out ,do it,i did(yes,it sucks)Place fish in a hospital tank and start hypo.put all LR back in DT,and just leave your DT be for 6-8 weeks.Good luck,trust me its worth it to do this, it takes time and paitence,in a year from now you'll look back and say,i'm glad i did it.I know i do.


Update : Just lost the Kole Tang. He is the tang that had the most ich on it. He lost some weight since I brought him home from the LFS. The yellow tang and blue hippo tang seem to be doing well. The yellow tang has no more white spots on his fins. The hippo tang also has no white spots but is very beat up from rubbing the rocks. I am feeding both tangs garlic algae/seaweed. Keep ya posted.


Update 2-27 : Okay, the treatment is done. I broke down canister filter, claened it, changed all filters and put carbon back into it. Did a 30 gallon water change. The blue hippo tang and yellow tang are showing no signs of ich(white spots). Other fish are clean also. I'll monitor closely for the next month and keep an eye out.