I got my Black-tail Humbug Damselfish!


Hmm...the problem has been put on the back burner for the moment. I just opened the bill for the vet visit last Tuesday (my competition horse is lame, and the problem is still a mystery) and its not so low. I think I'll have to make do with the tank as it is, hopefully I'll be able to afford some new stuff in a month or so. Thank you for the replies, though. Murphy's Law, I swear!


I know this thread is older, but I just joined.
We have a 3 stripe damsel and I just love him. He is too big for his britches sometimes. lol. We have a lion, trigger, 3 stripe, and yellowtail blue damsel, some hermits and snails. The only ones he can bully are the hermits, which don't pay much attention to him, and the other damsel, who is scared of him. We had a second yellowtail, but the other 2 damsels killed him.
He is very funny though. When you clean the glass or scoop something out with the shovel, he attacks it like crazy. He's an extremely bold fish. I think he thinks he's a trigger. He follows the trigger everywhere and eats anything the trigger is eating. We feed him mostly pellets and silversides.
I also have a question... Does anyone else's make noise? Ours seems to get very excited and swim downward very fast and makes this trilling noise. I don't know if it is the fish making the noise or the way he swishes the water.


Active Member
Welcome to the boards!
Hmm, a noisy damsel? Sounds cool.

Since these posts I ended up getting a Blue Devil and a Neon Velvet Damsel. They are both kinda mean/territorial, but really gorgeous fishes!


Active Member
Bolth thoughs damsles will be very mean when they get bigger the one isnt called devil for nothing!! I to like damsles lol I could have a whole tank full of nothing but them but I like so many other fish I dont wanna do that lol.