I Got My Tank Today!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by extremepcs
If you can't find non-pressure treated 4 x 4's (IMHO, I wouldn't use them indoors due to some of the nasty stuff they put in the wood), you can always screw n' glue 2 x 4's together. For lateral strength, (2) 2 x 4's with 1/2 plywood in the middle would be much stronger than a 4 x 4. Norm and Tommy say so on This Old House anyway
Not sure if it would make a difference being a vertical support though. I'm not a structual engineer... I just play one on TV

Didn't you use 4x4 on yours? :notsure: Screwing 2x4s together is a good idea though. I'm not worried though, my husband is pretty good with things like this. He doesn't want the tank to come crashing down either. :scared: I will print out the post on how you did yours, and he's already doing research on-line about building one. I think he's also called his dad already, who buy the way has made some pretty fabulous furniture for us already (crib, dressers, entertainment center, coffe table, he's pretty much built it all). I'll post pics as the work gets started. ***)


Originally Posted by azfishgal
Didn't you use 4x4 on yours? :notsure:
Kind of. I had some left over cedar 4 x 4 fence posts that I used on the first frame I built. The one I made 24" tall. Then I bought my skimmer, which of course was 25" tall
Luckily I hadn't covered the frame with expensive oak yet, so I was only out the 4 x 4's and a few cheap 2 x 4's. I used doubled up 2 x 4's in all 4 corners for the new frame.


Active Member
Originally Posted by extremepcs
Kind of. I had some left over cedar 4 x 4 fence posts that I used on the first frame I built. The one I made 24" tall. Then I bought my skimmer, which of course was 25" tall
Luckily I hadn't covered the frame with expensive oak yet, so I was only out the 4 x 4's and a few cheap 2 x 4's. I used doubled up 2 x 4's in all 4 corners for the new frame.
OK, got it. Thanks! :joy:


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaGuy
Ok, waiting to see the pics of the stand after this weekend and the tank. :joy:
Believe me, I will be THRILLED if I am able to provide those pics for you.

I just have a feeling it's not going to get started this weekend though.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaGuy
Husband must be like me, knows how to pace himself

Yeah right! If he spent as much time making the stand as he did playing WOW (computer game) he'd have it done in one day.
I have my hobbies, he has his.


New Member
Choose if you want a Blue Tang or Yellow Tangs. The yellow tangs in particular are aggressive. If you do yellow tangs, I would recommend one or more than three.
I have four small yellow tangs in my reef tank. They look great and are extremely active.
Good Luck


Congradulations on your new tank. I will be getting mine very soon. I use to live in Mesa, Az. What LFS do you use over there?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Katz
Congradulations on your new tank. I will be getting mine very soon. I use to live in Mesa, Az. What LFS do you use over there?
But my husband would much rather live where you are. I go to Aquarium Arts. They seem to be pretty nice and good customer service. I can still get some things for a lot less here at SWF (like the skimmer), but over all their livestock and coral seems to be pretty reasonable. Though I have yet to buy any, lol. I've also been to About Reef, which they have a great selection, but prices are high and terrible customer service. I've also been to Martin Tropical Fish, but the guy seemed very standoffish (is that a word?), but his wife seemed to be pretty knowledgable. There shop was not as clean as I would like, but the lady was nice and helpful. I keep going back to Aquarium Arts though.


Active Member
My husband brought home the wood for the stand today! Construction is under way!
Will post pics as we go along.


Active Member
congrats. hope everything goes smoothly. did the info i gave you help you out any. I hope so. Gave a great day.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TeresaQ
congrats. hope everything goes smoothly. did the info i gave you help you out any. I hope so. Gave a great day.
I haven't ordered anything yet, but the info you gave me was very helpful, thanks!


Active Member
Originally Posted by chuckcac
Been following the progress... Keep up the good work! Great tank!
this is me being jealous

Thanks! The table saw is buzzing as we speak (or type rather). :cheer: