I got one for you... yes, no, maybe?


how big is your QT? I don't know if you should but I would think if your QT is big enough for one then why not... but wouldn't an over the back be suffecient enough
I have a sponge filter power head in mine and it's a 10 gal .... I don't know if thats a bad idea or not though... but I didn't know what to put in it, and I had that so I threw that in there but I haven't put any fish in it yet either I just set it up because I read that its was a good Idea


wow, I really hope you get a good answer for that... but if you got the funds why not.... huh! I don't know but couldn't you put an emperior 400 on it and thats rated 80 gal so...


well I thought I'd say bye, my gf is home and is wanting to play on the internet... so talk to ya guys later.....


I've never heard of such setup. I think it will be a waste of money IMO. QTs are to put medications and usually don't have LR or any substrat (as you may change water frequently or apply copper that so kill any invert and/or bacterias). So based on those items I think you'll be doing more water changes and get cleaner water before you can collect anything from it


yeah I read some of my medications and they want you to remove stuff like carbon and other stuff from your protein skimmer so yeah maybe not .... well I know you've got your oppinions now but hey I had go back and read further