I got some!!!


corals!!! i got a rock with about 5 ricordea polyps on it. They're brown with green tips. It also had some brown and green mushrooms on it and some tiny feather dusters!!! YAY! My first coral!!! I'm so excited!!!


i made an inappropriate post, and they locked my other account. But i profusely apologized, so they let me keep this one...


Active Member
Yipes.. You've been a regular around here. Amazes me they locked your account.
Silly girl, you must have really lost it! Glad they let you stick around.


i did, i went way overboard... i'm a little bipolar, and i ran out of my meds a few days before........ i'm glad they were understanding, though. The mods are great, even though i haven't shown it in the past, so i hope no feelings were hurt! I'm sure they're pretty thick skinned after having to deal with people like me for years... LOL


Originally Posted by JDragon
i made an inappropriate post, and they locked my other account. But i profusely apologized, so they let me keep this one...

Darn, you really must have been pretty darn bad. I have been accused of such and still have not been banned, although some sure do wish I would be.......those being those that do not like to have their info rebutted, or do not like getting their butts jumped on......Keep up the good work JDragon!


The better your waters paramters etc are the faster they start to divide and mulitply. Give em a month or so to really settle in and get used to their environment, than unless you decide to manually cut and divide them, about all you can do is maintain proepr param's and set back and wait. I bought a pice of LR one day that caught my eye as being perfect in shape loaded with lots of coraline on it, and just perfect in every way for my passion.....2 gal or less PICO tanks. Two days after I put it in the tank I was amazed that it had lots and lots of flourescent spots on it when under a moon light.....It was loaded with tiny shrooms (Ricordea yuma).....now rock is in a larger tank as it was over run with shrooms, and it all took approximately 7 or 8 months from the day I got it. I could have cut some off, but I prefer to have them cover the rock up and spread from there, so it had to be moved to a larger tank. Occassionally some do float off so they are relocated to other rocks in other tanks.,