I got the coolest snail today...


I was at my LFS today and finally bought the snail that I always stare at. It's a Red Moon Snail, and it is awesome...and HUGE. And he can really clean the glass. I've found that i find turbos, astreas, margaritas, and other dull looking snails quite boring, so I keep bumblee bee snails, which look cool, and now this red moon snail. Just some input if you're looking for a cool snail.
Sounds good. Do you have a digital picture of this snail? I am only somewhat partial to having snails in my tank since they do tend to die for no reason at all. How big is this red moon snail?
Good buy!


I dont have a digital camera yet, yeah i'm a neanderthal. But he is about the size of a golf ball if not a touch bigger. If you go to google.com and click on images, type in red moon snail and it will bring up a picture.


Staff member
Yep, this is a cool water snail, so unless your tank runs on the cooler side, it might not make it. Also, snails don't die for no reason. Usually they die for lack of food, as hobbyist tend to buy 40-50+ at a time. It doesn't take 40-50 snails long to eat up the food supply in almost any size tank. Another reason that snails seem to die "for no reason" is that they are preyed upon by crabs [particualarly hermits looking for food and new a shell] and pretatory snails, such as the bumble bee you mention.


bumble bee snails are cool but i dont have to worry about them going after other snails because the only other snail I have is the moon snail.


It is a cool snail. In fact one of the nicest I've seen but probably won't last long. Like bet said earlier if the tank temps aren't cooler than normal they will not survive long. They will close up in their shells and die. If this happens make sure to take it out immediately because it will mess up your tank. They stink like the devil when they die. Good luck.


Active Member
Would be nice to do a cooler water Pacific tank with those snails, Catalina gobies, etc.
But if your tank is in the 78-82 degree range, they really won't last too long. Learned that one before I knew much about what I was doing in this hobby. :(