I Got The Craziest Idea!!!!

brad pitt

you know what would be really cool! if u made a HUGE reef aquarium out of your back year pool! wouldn't that be amazing! have huge pieces of live rock and different kinds of colorful corals and lots of fish crabs everything! it would take a lot of money and time to set up and take care of but wouldn't that just rock!!! u can swim with your fish. i would be in there all day long!!!


Active Member
why you gotta hate ledzep..i know for a fact if you had the money and stuff you would do it...and if you wouldnt well your crazy...thats an amazing idea..then have hte stairs thta go underwater like a bombshed thing and have a glass window and you could be out hte the water and walk and look at em
i have a friend who's real rich and lives in a big develpoment. he got a pool and told me its saltwater, not chlorine. after i heard that i got the same idea. then i realized all the problems with it (keeping stuff e.g. leaves, rain, local kids and animals out). but its still cool to think about in my head. for the price though, you could probably buy a house in hawaii on the beach


Active Member
haha ya prbly....but if it was big enough it would have an ecosysteam wehre the water and fish would almsot be able to take care of themselves over time


Active Member
Bang Guy has a lagoon.. not quite as deep as a pool but close to the same idea. From his pics it looks awesome...



Originally Posted by ClownFiSH11
why you gotta hate ledzep..i know for a fact if you had the money and stuff you would do it
...and if you wouldnt well your crazy...thats an amazing idea..then have hte stairs thta go underwater like a bombshed thing and have a glass window and you could be out hte the water and walk and look at em

True, I probably would

i love fish

I had the same idea once, anyway, where I live right now (Dubai, UAE), I've seen at one of the princes' palaces here a mini reef that he's had built 4 him.
He lives at a beach front property and the palace is actually partually in the water, so all he had 2 do really was to just close of a small part of the water with some kind of fencing and add the fish- no need for filters, skimmers, water changes, nothing- LUCKY GUY!!!!!!!!!!!!