OK just ordered the skilter 400 with the skimmer...hope its good....how long does it take for the sand to settle in a tnak..i have this brown playsand and my tank has been brown for a few hours..i have my power filter running..should i shut it off?
the sand will eventually settle give it time, now for the skilter they really don't skim very good but isn't a bad mechanical filter.
you will find that it doesn't produce much foam and the best you could do is to modify it by using a air stone instead of the venturi on the pump for skimming.
ok thanks..the sand is slowly settling..well that sux that the skimmer isnt good, but its ordered and nothing i can do now except put an airstone on it instead of the venturi?? What is the venturi? Will it get the job done for my tank? I will have a baby snowflake eel and a baby bamboo shark..i will be upgrading the tank in about 5-6 months and than i will get a wet/dry and a good skimmer...
Sorry to hear that.I have a skilter and the only thing I use it for is for mixing my new salt water.Spend the money and get a CPR. I love the way mine skims the crud!
yeah i know i am canceling my order tomorrow and just getting a penguin 300 and my friends dad had a saltwater tank and doesnt have it set up anymore so im gonna go steal his old skimmer...not sure what kind it is but it was a hang on and im sure it was a good one since his dad was doing it..So i will have an aquaclear300 and a penguin 330 on my 55 gal..and a skimmer...my sand still hasnt completely settled...can i throw in 2 or 3 damsels to help the cycle or will the non settled sand kill them???Thanks
don't throw any fish in yet let it cycle without them, the sand won't bother them but don't stress them out if you don't have to.
my friend be patience, trust me it will save you alot of money and time in the long run. hth