i guess know one wants to help


i have posted several post about my blue regal tank ,terry answered me 2 times but know one else and now terry isnt answering me either,why is no-one trying to help me isee that u help other people that have posted,would someone please read my other post about my blue regal and then tell me what to do,i would like to know after i am done treating my regal with the sea cure copper,do i have to put him in clean water awhile before putting him in main tank,or do i just take him out of the coper medication and put him straight in the main tank i have inverts in my main tank,so how do make sure that by putting the regal back in main tank that i dont get copper in it.please someone answer my ?.mrswv1956


Staff member
Ok, one problem you are having here is that you keep posting the same issue in different threads and no one really wants to follow the trail of this issue all over the forum. I know you're distressed, but opening up numerous threads is not helping you, in fact it is confusing and frustrating.
In filtering through your posts, my understanding is that you have a tang in quarantine and have been treating it with copper. In your main tank you have other fish and inverts. You are not experienced and are insecure about trying some of the other treatment options that Terry suggested, and, in fact, you’re not even sure that your tang has/had ick.
Since you started with the copper treatment, then you might as well continue it. Keep the tang in quarantine for 1 month. Get yourself a copper test kit to make sure that you maintain adequate levels [not too much and not too little] of the copper in your tank for 3 wks or as directed by the brand med you are using. Do weekly water changes. Make sure that you are not running any sort of carbon filtration as this will remove the copper. After water changes, bring the copper levels back up to therapeutic levels. After the 3 wks, if you fish is ok, then, if you can, add carbon filtration to remove the copper. Do a partial water change every few days and don’t add any more copper. Once your fish has been ick – free, then you can return him to his tank—approx 1 mo. During this course of treatment, feed him some food soaked in garlic, and do the same thing for your fish in the main tank.
There is a risk, if this is ick, that your other fish could get ick because they have been exposed. Thus, don’t be surprised if this happens, and you have to treat your other fish too. However, perhaps you’ll luck out and this won’t happen. Feeding the other fish garlic also will give you a better edge.
Good luck, and keep us posted ! [But only on 1 thread, plez]


thank u beth sorry about the more then one threads but i;m new to this site,and it wasnt that i didnt want to try the things terry suggested i didnt know how to do them,i have read alot about giving them freshwater dips,but how do u do that i know i must sound stupid to you,but i am just learning and really dont know a whole lot about this stuff yet.but again ty mrswv1956


Staff member
No problem, I realize you are learning and that you're new to this site. You're at the right place, as hobbyist with all levels of understanding are welcome here, and no question is stupid.
If you are not comfortable with dips, it is best not to use them. However, there are alot of posts regarding dips, copper and hyposalinity. If you will go to our search feature on the BB, you can learn a lot. I'd also recommend getting some good beginner books on fish keeping. A good book that also covers diseases is Bob Fenner's "The Conscientious Marine Aquarist".
[ July 31, 2001: Message edited by: Beth ]


beth since i have put my regl in th qt tank he just lays there in one spot it has really stressed him out,because before i moved him he was eating good and swiming couldn;t tell anything was wrong with him except for the spots.is it normal for them to just lay there like that,and also how do u soak there food in garlic,do u use fresh garlic or garlic powder or what? and could u tell me what the one spot might be thats back close to his tail fin,it is real light pink and about the size of a pin head there is only one of these, the other spots it had looked like sprinkered salt,and they were on the body up next to the top of his back,there was none on his head.i have 3 blue demsels 2 2 of them yellow tailed they have no signs at all nor do any of my other fish,the three demsels are the ones i started my tank with have had them from the begining,the other fish encluding the regal i have had about a month and half.and one more ? do the inverts not get ick. mrswv1956


Staff member
Tangs are very skiddish and it is not unusual at all, especially in a sick fish, for them to go into shock and lay on the bottom of the tank stressed out. This should end within a few hours.
Inverts do not get fish diseases.
Don't use garlic powder. You can smash up some fresh garlic and let the food soak in that mixture for an hour or you can use pure garlic juice. There is also a new garlic mixture that is out that is sold for the hobby. Be sure that whatever you use only contains garlic, not additives, oils, etc. PURE garlic.
The reddish bump parasitic bite sites.


Thanks again beth for the infromation,my regal tang was in the copper qt tank for 3 days and never did stop laying on the bottom,also would not eat.so i finally decided to go read some of the post on freshwater dipping to learn how to do it,i set up a 5 & half gallon acqurium with air and filter,and decided to dip him figured if i didnt, was going to lose it anyway since he would not eat or get up i dipped him for about 5 minutes then put him back in main tank things were pretty rocky for awhile he was breathing hard didnt really think he would survive but happy to report that tonight he is swiming around and i fed him some blood worms soaked in garlic juice like u said & he ate them. looks like he is really doing good so far got my fingers crossed there is no more whits spots on him either but still has the little pink dot i told u about,all other fish are doing good to.I think i will leave this little tank set up with freshwater and dipp all my fish from now on before putting them in main tank is this a good ideal and do i need to add anything else to it like medication or something.really ty for all the advice u have giving me. mrswv1956


Staff member
You should setup a quarantine to leave your fish in for about 2 wks before even introducing them to your main tank. Yes, you can dip your fish before introducing them into your tank, or your quarantine. You can use medication in the dip water, usually formalin, but you don't have to do this. If you want some info on freshwater dips, use the Search feature on this BB and type in freshwater dips. Trey, our other moderator in this forum, has posted excellent info regarding dips which you should read up on.
You should get the ph and temp of the dip water at the same level that the fish is coming from.
Has the bump on the fish improved or gotten worse?
I'd suggest using a magnifying glass and observe your sick fish [and all fish really at least 1x wk]. The glass will clue you in much better than the

eye as to what is visible on the fish's body, around the gills, mouth, eyes, body surface, etc.
Good luck!


Beth the bump is not any worse looks the same not any better not any worse it dosent stick out or any thing it is flush with his body,and light pink,but he is now eating good and swiming around alot.thanks for the advice on a magnifiying glass i will get one and look at them. mrswv1956

the new guy

You can try some medicated fish food and follow the directions on the food to possibly get rid of the pink bump.


Staff member
Well, keep an eye on this. It could be a bacterial infection or, as I said parasitic wound. It is common for fish to get secondary infections following or during a parasitic infestation. Lets see if it develops or heals up.


ok beth i am watching him close so far so good he is eating good,and no other fish seem to have anything wrong with them,so i have my fingers crossed.i;ll let u know how it goes and again thanks very much for all your advice it is really nice to have a place to come to for help really glad i found this site. mrswv1956


Beth just wanted to let you know so far so good my regal is eating and swiming around good.the little pink spot is gone,and eveything seems to be fine.ty very much for all the advice.