I had to laugh!

darth tang

Active Member
I was poking around on a another fish site and read this at the bottom...
"Note: Because these are living animals, and not made in a factory, actual specimens will vary and may not look identical to the image provided. "


That is just unacceptable, I want mine to look just like the one in the photo. And what do you mean they are not made at the factory, where do they come from.


Nice thats just as good as seeing one of those signes when you drive up to the snow or are around an area with alot of rain and the sign says
caution slippery when wet.


Active Member
How about your coffee cup from your favorite drive thru that says, "Caution-Hot." :notsure:


Active Member
I want the doggy in the window!!!
how about on a sprint bill... it says "send payment in US funds, cash is not acceptable"
hmmm... a US note is US funds... :thinking:



Originally Posted by ruaround
I want the doggy in the window!!!
how about on a sprint bill... it says "send payment in US funds, cash is not acceptable"
hmmm... a US note is US funds... :thinking:
I think we just started a new thread hahahaha
can of soup says
cation may be hot
I ask myself are there really stupid people out there that actually sued places for this stuff
then again i remember this guy that used to do things crazy just because it said like NON-TOXIC so he would eat it. Like i used to do makeup for a Halloween store and the guy ate a tube of face paint just so he may be able to sue someone. The people we know geeeezzzzee ***)


Active Member
Originally Posted by matty0h_52

I think we just started a new thread hahahaha
not a new thread or a hijack...I dont think darth minds...
all of these little CYA messages are for those that definitely need to win a Darwin Award...
Silly Putty actually has a warning "Do Not Use As Ear Plugs"...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darth Tang
I was poking around on a another fish site and read this at the bottom...
"Note: Because these are living animals, and not made in a factory, actual specimens will vary and may not look identical to the image provided. "

You could go to the "eye it buy it" section.


Shampoo and Conditioners have a 1 800 # just in case you don't understand the directions on the bottle??????????????????????? huh????? if you can't understand them then you needn't be washing your hair


Active Member
Originally Posted by Teeny
Shampoo and Conditioners have a 1 800 # just in case you don't understand the directions on the bottle??????????????????????? huh????? if you can't understand them then you needn't be washing your hair
maybe its the rinse and repeat instructions that confuse...
Baby oil caution label... "Keep Out of Reach Of Children"...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Farmboy
<Staring at the frozen orange juice container>
Windex: Caution Do Not Spray In Eyes...


Originally Posted by Teeny
Shampoo and Conditioners have a 1 800 # just in case you don't understand the directions on the bottle??????????????????????? huh????? if you can't understand them then you needn't be washing your hair
yeah someone should wash it for you :notsure:


Active Member
Istructions for a pet rock... Come Command: set rock down take two steps back, Say 'Come' take two steps forward


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
Istructions for a pet rock... Come Command: set rock down take two steps back, Say 'Come' take two steps forward

Thanks for the info .... I've only gotten as far as "stay".


Active Member
Originally Posted by bigarn
Thanks for the info .... I've only gotten as far as "stay".

dang... for a more advanced trick try this one: set pet rock down, say 'roll over' pick pet rock up rotate 360 degrees set pet rock down... applaude and encourage with a treat