I hate bubble algae!


New Member
Is it true that emerald crabs eat bubble algae? What causes bubble algae? Its starting to take over my tank and I've heard not to try and spot clean it because the spores will spead in the tank. What are my options here? I really would like it if I didn't have take the rocks out and scrub them.


Active Member
Unless you are a neurosurgeon and can extract the bubbles without causing 'trauma' to the outside...
Get emerald crabs and look to the source of whats feeding th bubble algae- maybe too much light or overfeeding is causing phosphates to rise.


no that has nothing to do with it.IT starts with just one bubble.Then somehow it gets popped and the spores spread.Then more and more bubbles show up.Then get popped and add to the problem.I am currently batteling this in my 12 gallon


That sucks i had a problem with at matt like algae a while ago, and it was taking over my tank i can just imagine what bubble algae would be like.


oh it isent fun.Eevryone says emerald crabs eat bubble algae but i simply dont see how it is possible.The way the bubbles pop,then ooze,then spread it dosent seem possible that they would take care of the problem.And if you have bubbles dont get a six line wrasse.Mine seems to pop them for fun lol


my gorilla and other crabs (as i can see) scrape the rock, taking off allll the algae and other nasty things that shouldn't be growing on it.