I Hate Damsels


New Member
Hi Everyone...I'm new here and to the saltwater world. I cycled my 55 gallon tank with 2 Yellow-tailed damsels, which I still have with a bunch of others now. I had heard about possible aggressiveness of damsels (of course after I already had them). In my tank they are toward the bottom of the pecking order during feeding time (otherwise everyone is peaceful). My clown and purple dottyback chase them away if they get too close to their food. It's funny to watch after hearing about the damsel's reputation. I guess I'm in the lucky minority


I dont see why ppl are saying you shouldnt cycle with fish? Why not?


anyone ever try a sabiki rig or a small trout hook tipped w raw shrimp and a length of invisible flourocarbon line...
I mean...I've heard from a friend of a friends cousins sister that it works wonders on pesky damsels...I of course dont condonde such behavior...but...you know...I've heard it happens in places very far from here in undeveloped countries...


Active Member
Originally Posted by fordguy67
yeah i cycled my 20 gallon with four damsels. when i first got them, they seemed cool, but then when i put other fish in, they started to raise hell. then i put corals in and they would never open so i called a fish store and they said they wouldnt even give me 25 cents for one. they said they use them as feeder fish, so i flushed them. NEVER USE A DAMSEL TO CYCLE!!! use a raw shrimp. i heard that works really well. i just finished off my basement and very soon im going to get a large tank and use some shrimp so ill post how well it works!
Sorry if I'm repeating other posts in this thread, but I cycled my 37gal with a raw shrimp over a year ago, and my daughter successfully recently cycled her 55gal with raw shrimp. It breaks my heart to think of putting a live fish through the cycle process

I'm really glad you got your damsels out...I've never had any, but I've read they are a real challenge, especially after what they've gone through...and then to get flushed...

Lisa :happyfish


Originally Posted by readster
yeah, but that could hurt the little fishy, and that is not nice at all.
Says the guy that puts his own damsels through tank cycles.