I hate my QT....Its gross


So I set up a QT about 5 or 6 weeks ago so that I can QT some upcoming fish additions.
I used a 10 gallon and some equipment that I had on hand, including a biowheel filter. I filled it with water straight from my display to kick off the cycle. I also added a cocktail shrimp for a day or two. My ammonia must have risen (although I never measured any) because I had high nitrites (around 4)... They didnt seem to be falling, so I added a piece of live rock from my display.
Basically, the tank is just gross. It is covered in algea and die off from the piece of live rock. Not only that, it is taking FOREVER to cycle. I havent done anywater changes or anything since I want the denitrifying bacteria to colonize the biowheel....
I am wondering if it would be okay to scap all of the crud off the walls and bottom of the tank, and then siphon it out. I can then add either DT water or new water to fill it back up to the top. Is this okay, or will I do some sort of "harm" by cleaning up this uglyness?

I am still waiting for nitrite to drop. I checked it the other day and it was at 0.25 to 1.
Any tips or input would be appreciated.
Here are some pics of the nastiness....


al mc

Active Member
Scrap/clean and siphom is OK. Replace with new water. It may look gross, but it will save you a lot of aggravation and keep your tank dwellers happy if you use it on new additions. Trust me
you will be happy that you have it.
Also, I would cover the bottom and back with dark construction paper or black spray paint.


Hey Al
The bottom is covered with black construction paper but it is still reflective when you look from the side (but not from above)....
I will definatley get some for the back of the tank too....
So I can replace the water I took out with new water?


Yes, go for it. Take a credit card or something of the like & start scraping the glass, Do a 50% water change with dt water. You can also remove the power pumps in the QT & rely on the hang on filter for water flow. Clean that dude up...


Okay, so I did it!
Its still not perfect, but it definately is improved. I was just worried that by taking out a lot of water and scraping that I might lose some of the beneficial bacteria that I am so desperately wanting to cycle my tank. I guess its silly though, because I dont think the bacteria are floating around in the water....
I have a feeling that it is just going to overgrow with algea again and again and again.
I really don't need the other pumps? When is just a crummy little rio for extra water flow and the other one is powering the phosban reactor that has Carbon in it.
Also, Should I be ghost feeding this tank?


Originally Posted by sac10918
Okay, so I did it!
Its still not perfect, but it definately is improved. I was just worried that by taking out a lot of water and scraping that I might lose some of the beneficial bacteria that I am so desperately wanting to cycle my tank. I guess its silly though, because I dont think the bacteria are floating around in the water....
I have a feeling that it is just going to overgrow with algea again and again and again.
I really don't need the other pumps? When is just a crummy little rio for extra water flow and the other one is powering the phosban reactor that has Carbon in it.
Also, Should I be ghost feeding this tank?
The bacteria grows in your filter pad and on the glass and bottom. It will get diatoms like any other tank. I am not sure what you mean, but you need a filter and a strong powerhead in the tank. Yes, ghost feed the tank to be sure that it is cycled.