I hate my reef tank. =c(


Active Member
My once beautiful reef tank now (to me) looks like complete crap. I had the a huge beautiful BTA that decided to split into 3 anemones and since I have had to rearrange my rock several times to try and make these guys survive. I had every rock in a awesome place and my tank was looking sweet (in my opinion). Now I have to decide if I should get rid of some coral to make room for these new anemones... or sell the fiji rock that two of the anemones are on... which I probably wouldnt even make my money back for what I paid for the rock.... or buy MORE rock to help raise my rockwork and place corals higher to help them avoid getting stung.. I just dont know what to do and all this makes me depressed =c(
Sorry about the boring post. I just needed to vent.
Here is my once beautiful BTA.... now the most hated thing in my tank.



Active Member
ok can you post a befoe and after pic of the complete tank so we can reassure you that your tank is still beautiful


Active Member
Dude! I love your tank! When a tank looks as good as yours, it can't be messed up. It is physically impossible. You may think it looks bad, but we don't. Post a pic! Please, dont be depressed...you'll die sooner and that means less time to view your awesome tank!


Active Member
I know exactly how you feel...I had my rocks nicely set up but then had to rearange them for my corals. Then went into that phase of depression thinking my tank was ugly but just keep trying. Eventually you will find something that you like and it may even be better than before


Active Member
i had that feeling before had my rocks set up the way i like and had to move it because of something. well i did what viet tin did. just kept trying to make it look nice. dont give up.


Active Member
Well you guys have to realize that its a on going remodeling of your corals placement they will grow as times goes by. These guys are living things that need to expand once they get older. I had rearranging things too especially since my tank is pretty deep and its a harder to work with. But always plan ahead when I place them there knowing that eventually they will out grow their surroundings. So I place other rocks around them so they can split and then move them when its time.


I'm with you on this one. I've had an outbreak of nuicance algae on my LR and sand. I'm so desperate that I'm about to throw a Cherub Angel in there to eat it and pray that it does not eat my Zoos or LPS's.


yikes......too bad........hope you can rearrange soon......especially before company comes...good luck.


Active Member
I know the woes of anemone ownership. They are like galaxeas on wheels...constantly moving around stinging/getting stung. Two of my anemones eventually got sucked up by a powerhead and the 3rd one that split from one of the originals I traded to a lfs.
I will never get an anemone again. They are beautiful, but gosh they are a pain.


Talk to your LFS and see if you can trade them in for credit. If you do not want them. Take out the rock they are on and hold it out of the water until they detatch from the rock, place them in a bag of your tank water and sell them back. If you want something other than an anenome for your clowns try a long tentacle plate coral.
By the way your tank still looks great.