I hate my tank...

Ok so I really dont get whats going on here.. to start off, I have a 60 Gallon tank, with a Rio 2500 pump, and 2 powerheads with 2 little drain things at the top.. so the water goes out the drains and into the sump, where the pump, pumps it back into the tank.. well the problem is.. the water level isn't the same of going in and out.. so it's constantly going up and down.. and eventually my pump gets dry.. how do I fix this?


Hey Snowflake, did you check on the gph rating of your pumps. If one pump pumps more water out than the other pumps it back in, then you will get the water level fluctuation. That seems to be your problem. The fluctuation can be a big problem because if your pump starts blowing bubbles that it could start cyano growth and stuff. I would fix this problem ASAP.


His tank is weird though... it has two holes on the back of the tank about 3inches from the top of the tank. Those lead out to piping which divert tha water to the wet/dry. The piping goes from the two holes to one pipe with a open/close valve on it and then to a hose whichleads the water into the wet/dry sump. Then the Rio is in the sump and it goes through tubing to the two outlets which are in the back top corners of the tank. I thought there would be a certain point to the water where enough water will be going out the holes to the wet/dry and it would balance off with what water is coming back...but thats not the case. We adjusted the water level a few times... taking some out and putting some in, trying to find that balance. It fluctuates alot... and with a rio 2500 pump I thought there would be alot more pressure from the water being pumped back in. My fluval 304 pumps harder than his... and I thought it would be the opposite. Could it be that he just needs to get a new pump to install in the sump?


Active Member
A pic would be helpful. This is hard to describe so bare with me. First a couple questions. Are you using tubing on the run from the tank to the W/D? Is that run a straight shot?
I set up a fuge that I used tubing which connected to the fuge with a 1" bulkhead. The tubing didn't run straight down to the sump so what it would do is build up, build up and then come all at once. I wounder is something similar is happening with your tank?????


On the return line from the pump into the tank there should be a flat nozzel. If you dont have that on the end of the pipe the pump will just suck the filter dry. The flat nozzel slows the return back into the tank. You will have evap so you have to compensate for that also. One more thing, your pump should have came with the tank, correct? so everything should match. Sounds like you're missing the nozzel part. JMO L8TR
ok so the problem hasn't gone away.. and I got really bored and decided to draw a diagram (I did a good job too.. haha) of my tank so maybe it will help.. the black things are like drains, just cone like things that have no power that flow water down PVC pipe into my sump below, then in my sump I have sitting a rio 2500 which pumps it up to the red dots which are like power heads minus the power, they basically just spit out water.. and the sump keeps getting hella low and spitting bubbles into my tank.. :(
I also just noticed that there is a build up of salt where the PVC and tube connect at the shut-off valve for the drain side of my filter.. could that have something to do with it?


Active Member
Sounds like your pumping water out of the sump faster than he return drains back? Then the sump emptys so much that the pump sucks air? Is that correct?
Does the water level in the tank raise past the overflow drains when this happens?
If so, you need to open up the return flow (larger tubing,less elbows, open up ball valve) or get a smaller (less gph) pump.
If not, you need a deeper sump/add more water to keep pump covered.
How big is your sump?

Originally posted by Squidd
Sounds like your pumping water out of the sump faster than he return drains back? Then the sump emptys so much that the pump sucks air? Is that correct?
Does the water level in the tank raise past the overflow drains when this happens?
If so, you need to open up the return flow (larger tubing,less elbows, open up ball valve) or get a smaller (less gph) pump.
If not, you need a deeper sump/add more water to keep pump covered.
How big is your sump?

Yes to all your questions, sounds like you nailed it... but its weird.. because for like a couple minutes it will stay constant, then it will start spitting out bubbles.. so its not like its a constant rate flowing both ways.. :confused:


if I understand everything correctly your problem can be solved very simply. no where did you talk about your overflow box. if you don't have an overflow this could happen to you?????????:rolleyes:

Originally posted by RAYRAYPICO
if I understand everything correctly your problem can be solved very simply. no where did you talk about your overflow box. if you don't have an overflow this could happen to you?????????:rolleyes:

I dont know what an overflow box is..


Active Member
Some how you need to either open up the overflow drain to flow MORE or slow the return down to flow LESS (possibly a ball valve to restrict flow to match return?)
And then add enough water to sump to cover pump, but leave enough room to take drain off if power goes out/pump stops.


Active Member
As mentioned, your tank is not able to keep up with the pump. When using a sump and return pump, the tank must have a faster gph flow rate to the sump than the sump to the tank. This way, the water level in the tank will always be level and at the drain holes or overflows.
You have one of two choices. You must increase the rate of flow from the tank by adding larger pipes and getting rid of elbows or changing your pump to a smaller gph or restrict the one you have to slow it down.
I've never seen a tank like you describe where the holes are drilled in the back.

Originally posted by TangMan99
I've never seen a tank like you describe where the holes are drilled in the back.

Its custom :( Bought it like that.. didn't realize the headache when I got it..
Also on the way I have a seaclone 150 protein skimmer and four 1200 maxi-jett powerheads.. I am not really too sure how thats going to affect things.. or is it? Also is that too much water flow for a 60 gal. tank?