i hate spyware


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
or old :)
actually, this was a pretty smart spyware!
it gives a microsoft like warning, saying that it detected spyware on your system, and to click here to download the program to get rid of it.
the program that comes up is XP Security Center.
The people who do that crap should be hung by the short and curlies.
I've hit sites that will pop up that little installer window. What I was told was to break your net connection and restart your machine. There are some programs that will execute when you click on the X to close the pop up window.


Active Member
I do have a MacBook Pro as my second laptop, but all of my programming tools are PC based and makes more sense therefore develop using a PC. I've been running some heavy duty SQL database tools on the Mac via Parallels PC emulator :)


Active Member
Same with linux. Every program or OS (just a big program) is suseptible to viruses. Just because 95% of the world uses Windows is the only reason that no big viruses have hit linux or Mac. It's not that they are 'immune' but people don't spend time creating viruses for those platforms because it isn't 'worth while.' If they are creating a target for 5% of the users out there, they really aren't worth creating. I just can't wait for the day when a big virus hits Mac, and everyone acts as if they thought the OS was immune.
Two crutial things to keep up to date are your Anti Virus and Spyware/Malware. The people that have '100's' of viruses are the drones of zombie computers that are creating real issues on trying to catch hackers malitiously attacking computers.
Led, when in doubt start over. If you ahve your software and documents backed up, take 3 to 4 hours out of your evening reformat the hard drive and reinstlal the OS. Only true way to get rid of EVERYTHING. Some people clam that people have viruses in certain sectors like the BIOS, but these sections 99.9% of the time are read only and are not possible to have viruses written into them.
The day I can support a workgroup of computers or run a server with 50 clients on it, then I will run Mac, otherwise i'm a Windows guy, sorry... Although i am a fan of some of the bundled software that comes with Leopard, and honestly, Microsoft could learn A TON from Apples customer service.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
What's wrong with you people? Haven't you ever heard of Mac? Or Apple?
Cause I haven't heard of any of the stuff your talking about. I don't even know what a systray or spyware is!

Apples are for eating and throwing at these dumbchitz riding down the road on their bicycles that hold up traffic because they have the same rights as cars but somehow don't think stop signs and red lights apply to them. Oh, I'm sorry. I seemed to have gotten off topic.


Same rights as cars but THEY don't need a tag, and THEY don't need to pay any stupid property taxes, and THEY don't need to insure their bikes...
OK, apples are for THAT, and flawless computerness.

I think they ARE linus based.
, but it's all behind the scenes and presented as simple as windows.


Tizzo...computers are all the same, macs are no better than Pcs or vice versa. They are just different.


Originally Posted by DSBdude
Tizzo...computers are all the same, macs are no better than Pcs or vice versa. They are just different.

ummm... no that's not true.
They all have a lot in common, but there are also a lot of differences.
Gosh, don't you watch the Mac/PC commercials?

My computer (laptop or desktop) has never ever locked up.
It's never ever gotten a pop up with the exception of ads from my kids game sights.
never ever said "unable to launch program" or you can't delete that cause it's in use, like my son's stupid PC.
Never ever took 5 minutes just to turn on!
Never ever had the icons just disappear for no reason.
I have, in my house right now, 2 PC's and 2 macs. Never probs with the macs, never anything BUT problems with PC's.


And I can't even imagine what would happen if you let kids, unsupervised, do whatever they wanted on PC's.



Mac's are unix-based, and run programs independently of each other... as opposed to XP which has a cespool of files scattered all over the hard drive... half of them are doing god knows what, the other half lay dormant but if you delete a single file then magically nothing seems to work. I hate "XP Recovery Console" and I hate all the garbage that runs in the background. Your processors are at a constant load regardless of what you've got open on a PC because it's trying to juggle all the mystery files in the background just to keep your computer going.
Feel really good about your PC? Go into any folder within "system" and delete a single file... one file amongst tens of thousands... just one file. And then we'll see who has the more stable platform. Aside from the "library" on the mac, there are no wayward files scattered all over.
If I want to "uninstall" a program, I just drag it to the trash and it's GONE.
For a PC you need to install drivers for pretty much anything you plug in.
Check the directions for 99% of the hardware on the market. For a Mac, it tells you to plug it in. That's it.
When a mac is idle, it's exactly that. Idle.
I could go on for days.


haha!! I couldn't even set up some of the stuff on my VIRTUAL PC!! That whole mail set up thing was a complete blur for me. HTML, POP etc... IDK what any of that is...
I had a Dell. Everytime I turned it on it said "system 32 error" or something like that...why?
It also tried to auto "configure" a photogallery type file but it always said couldn't load, file in complete, when I went into add/remove, it said the file is in use so I couldn't delete it!
I understand the second one, but I still hated it.
Here look, this was part of my desktop.
