I hate to say it...........


but consistently spelling words wrong, making chopped liver of them makes it hard, at times, for people to understand the point. It's more like trying to solve a word puzzle. I AM NOT the best speller, but geez school boys.....give it a try please.:yes:

nm reef

Active Member
Find a thread you didn't like...words mushed up...difficult to make sense of it?
Welcome to the world wide web.....



Amen, brother!
It's the abbreviations and the lack of punctuation that kills me! My husband calls me the comma nerd.


THANK YOU!!! I could not agree more!!!
I thought I was the only one getting annoyed with with all the misspelled words, bad grammer and abbreviations. I'm glad I'm not the only card carrying member of the Grammar Police!!!


I have an excuse, no two excuses.
1. My keyboard sticks
2. My fingers sometimes type faster than my brain can think.
So give us less edjumacated folks a break. :D



Yes, it happens to the best of us.
No offense to young folks in general, I know there are a lot of intelligent ones out there, but the way some have been talking in their posts it makes me wonder when was the last time they have been to class?


Hay Lopey! Win I weant to colage: wea did'nt studi spehleng becus teh comptar is sposed two ficks it four yuo. Thier sposed to ficks gramemr to? I wus a engish mayor adn nun of my profesiors brawt it up. They sed the masage was the impotent part...nawt teh spehleng.



Originally posted by AlohaMI

Yes, it happens to the best of us.
No offense to young folks in general, I know there are a lot of intelligent ones out there, but the way some have been talking in their posts it makes me wonder when was the last time they have been to class?

This is my point AlohaMI. It happens to me too. I am not a spelling champ. But hey, if you want people to take you seriously and answer your questions....showing some written skills is important, and it only makes it better in the long run....written communication is an extremely important skill, so is being a smart ass and I'm not sure who is better at it, Mola Mola or me.
I'm bettin' me.



Originally posted by Thomas712
I have an excuse, no two excuses.
1. My keyboard sticks
2. My fingers sometimes type faster than my brain can think.
So give us less edjumacated folks a break. :D

Thomas, keyboards are cheap, get a new one.

Second, I think you mean your brain thinks faster than you can type.....I don't take you for one with a slow brain, can't fool me.....

I am NOT trying to start a debate or a fight here, just trying to say....simply....IF YOU WANT PEOPLE TO TAKE YOU SERIOUSLY AND NOT THINK THE POST IS SOME KIND OF JOKE....JUST USE SOME SIMPLE BUT COHERENT (SP? LOL) ENGLISH.


Guess it don't bother me to much. Never really knew anybody who could write flawlessly, so I don't really expect it. What I really hate though is when somebody tries to discredit another's opinion because they can not spell.
Just because you can't SPELL anemoney, anenome, anenenenemy, Yea dat.
Just cause you can't spell it doesn't mean you don't know the requirements.


Tizzo, and everyone else, I am not trying to discredit anyone, just saying that when something is typed in garble it is hard to get their point, so...it is hard to answer their question. Take math, if this was about math, I'd be the dumbest person on here and it would be way beyond me, cuz I am a well aware that I am a math idiot. I would not like it if people pointed it out, but...if it was being pointed out to benefit me, then it would be a good thing. I do not mean to offend anyone, not in anyway what so ever. I guess I am just anal. Sorry.


I thought message boards were supposed to be spontaneous.Sometimes people don't want to spell check what they typed.Sometimes peoples' fingers are faster than their brains.If you're like me, sometimes there are words you haven't seen or spelled in years. :happyfish Isnt this a place where we can all come and share with one another info and thoughts on this wonderful hobby.I'm sure some people feel bad enough accidently screwing up and asking strangers for help.They don't need someone comming down on them because their grammar is a little off. Hey !! Maybe they're typing with an accent. LOL!!!



Originally posted by Tizzo
Never really knew anybody who could write frawlessly,

Did I actually write that!?!?:scared: LOL
Guess it's a good thing I didn't say anything bad, hahaha...lemme go fix that!!
Thank God for the "Edit" option!!


I don't think anyone's ever called me a smartass before. I've been called smart, and I've been called an Ass, but never combined. This is a prodigious and momentous occasion. Thank you Loopy for making this all possible for me. :cheer:


My 2 cents worth (if it's even that)....Because I am such a terrible speller, I keep a dictionary web-site and Microsoft Word open when whenever typing without the benifit of "spell-check" (just minimize them on your screen)....I have even went to the extent of first drafting in "word" and then cutting and pasting...Because I do feel it's extremely important to try and spell as correctly as possible...The one thing I do do
is use "..." when I'm trying to type quickly so it's obvious that I'm not totally trying to be "formal"...my experience is that if I ignore spelling (i.e. I get used to the "look" of the misspelled word) when it's really not that "important" I do the same when I'm composing "formal" letters, documents, etc. and there is nothing that will discredit you quicker than mispelled words...