I hate to say it...........



I, fortunately, do notice "..." much easier than misspelled words...:D :D :D :D


Loopy, I am on your side. Posts don't need to be acceptable to an English Comp. Professor, but at least write them in English.
What bothers me are the people who post...
for the sole purpose of getting their post count higher.



Originally posted by fishnerd
Loopy, I am on your side. Posts don't need to be acceptable to an English Comp. Professor, but at least write them in English.
What bothers me are the people who post...
for the sole purpose of getting their post count higher.

There is way too much of that going around lately. It's like an epedemic or something!


Active Member
I hope I never talk to any of you haters out their. You all would probably string my studdering ass to the nearest flagpole.


Post count higher? eek, I'm embarassed about mine, wish it wasn't there, just shows how many stupid questions I've had to ask about this hobby....and ya, most of my questions have been pretty dumb....but I'm new at this and went into it feet first leaving my brain far far behind. I would have given up by now if it weren't for this site and all the help I've gotten. And, I repeat....I didn't start this to offend people or make them mad. I just read several things that I couldn't make head nor tail of, that is all.


Loopy, you are always asking legitimate questions. You seem to be one who wants to know more, and is seeking advice from others. I have never seen you post


jlem, that's not fair, we aren't 'haters'. 'String your studdering ass to a flagpole', doubt it. If you really do studder, so what. This isn't about that, and it has gotten way out of hand. I wish I would have never posted about it. As for studdering....how about this, my one and only nephew is 3 and has never spoken a word in his life.......so we would gladly take studdering any day of the week. Don't judge us or call us haters, cuz it's just not so.


Coming from a smart ass, I think that having an ass that stutters is quite an accomplishment! As for stuttering, I must say that I am a profficient stutterer when I am nervous or attempting to tell a lie, and that has made me a very honest person, unfortunately. :yes:


I think I've got the answer for the lack of good spelling. First off I've heard that fish aren't too smart. And second I've heard that you're only as smart as your dumbest animal. :notsure: Or maybe that's not quite how it goes but you know what I mean.:thinking:


As for studdering....how about this, my one and only nephew is 3 and has never spoken a word in his life.......so we would gladly take studdering any day of the week. Don't judge us or call us haters, cuz it's just not so.
My daughter is about to turn four and she doesn't speak, either. She has just started walking. What's up with your nephew? My daughter doesn't have a diagnosis.


'Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe.
An old reading comprehension internet email -
Gotta love the human brain!


That's a little scary NW, I could actually read what you wrote with almost no hesitation. Very interesting.



Originally posted by NW2SLTFSH
'Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe.
An old reading comprehension internet email -
Gotta love the human brain!

I had heard that too and it is true! I think the key is that all of the correct letters are there, with no extras, and none missing.
In fact, most of the time I read right over spelling errors and typos, but with some lately its about impossible!



Originally posted by Loopy
my one and only nephew is 3 and has never spoken a word in his life.......so we would gladly take studdering any day of the week. Don't judge us or call us haters, cuz it's just not so.

Oh, Loopy were just havin' fun. If anybody was being mean here the mods woulda locked up the thread.
But about your nephew, why doesn't he talk?? My son will be 3 Apr. 2 and he doesn't talk either. He has voice, he can hollar, he even knows a lot of "sign", but no words. Not one. I'm trying to see what they are doing with/to/for him.
And Mombostic, you too?? What's up with your daughter? My son doesn't have a "diagnosis" either. He was almost 2 when he started walking.
Maybe this is the wrong place to talk about this...


This may be obvious and I'm sure it has already been ruled out, but just to throw an idea out there, have they checked your son's hearing?
My husband was not walking or talking until he was over 2 years old, and it took them until then to figure out he was partially deaf. This was back in the 70's though, and I know now they check hearing at birth, so it's probably not what is going on, but just thought I would mention it.
Good luck, I wish you the best and hope they figure it out soon!


As long as there is nothing wrong with them physically I wouldn't worry too much. All kids are different. My mom told me I didn't start talking until I was almost 3. And I turned out just fine. I was very shy and stubborn (and 43 years later I still am a little) as a kid and I guess I just didn't want to talk. Never talked that much growing up either. As long as they are physically ok they'll talk when they are ready. Just don't give up on them.


Yeah, his hearing was this first thing they checked. He understands all that we say surprisingly well, he just don't talk. Doesn't even try to. He signs things like "please", thank you, more milk, stuff like that but I like to learn all that I can from others with kids similar to him. Things they've tried, things that work...things that don't. So far I am raising him like an ordinary kid but he gets real frustrated real easy because he can't say what he's thinking.
But thank you for the input. I wouldn't have thought of the hearing thing myself, it was one of those evaluating places that ruled that out for me.


Do you know if they checked all frequency levels on the hearing? My friends son didnt talk until he was a little over three then he would ignore her and talk to her husband - she leter found out that he had trouble hearing things that werent more Baratone in nature.
You know I agree though if the kid is Physicaly ok and happy that is all that matters. I couldnt wait for my kids to talk -- Now they are never quite. If there was a way to convert the word Mommy into Oil we would never have to fight for crude oil, the world would overflow