i hate working nights!!!

man this stinks!
i took a little ride to "absolute fish" tonight in clifton. i wound up buying two corals there. an orange and yellow favia, and a singularia(i probly spelled that wrong). i got both which were fairly good size corals for 100 bucks. not a bad deal if you ask me. so anyway, i had to be in my office for 8 o'clock and i didn't even get home until 7:45! i got the corals in the tank, and rushed off to work(late of course, but i'm not gonna fire myself now am i). it just stinks! i love to watch my corals open up for the first time in my tanks, and now i'm stuck in this crap hole! oh well, i'll just have to check up on them tommorow when i get home. i think i'm done venting now.


Active Member
I work nights every two weeks, and it does suck... but gotta work to buy all those corals! Did you even get a chance to acclimate them??


Active Member
.... I'm knocking as well for you..... hopefully you luck dosen't run out on an expensive coral........


I haven't ever acclimated my corals either. I just float the bag for a while and then put them in. I have had no ill effects thus far:). I do however acclimate everthing else.


Active Member
i love working nights... NO CUSTOMERS! (worked in safeway for half a year)
i understand your pain, but i had leave work at 2pm and the lfs open at 12pm... i also missed out on watching my fish swim around for the first time in my tank or see if they would even survive, often tryign to get home asap.


hehe.....try my job hours.
I work from 7am to 7am. My work is like my second house.
My schedule goes like this:
24on, 24off, 24on, 24off, 24on, 4 days off, then start over. It comes out to 9 days a month. Good thing I am salary more or less.
That is why I have a second job to fill in the days off.
I have to make sure tank is running properly before I leave it for 24hrs.
Of course I love my job and wouldn't ask for any other. :)
When I work, it is ALWAYS nights. Start 7pm end 7am. It's a great shift as it leaves my days free to do whatever needs to be done. Course when I do work a shift, I am awake from 6am one morning until roughly 11pm the next night. Makes for a looong day. :eek:
Weekend overnights is MY job ! :p I work friday, saturday, and sunday. 3 /14 hour shifts. Ya there is no weekend, but i get 4 days off instead :) AHH State jobs ya got to luv them !


I can not complain about my job, school teacher, from 8:30 to 2:30 plus long summers and of course.....christmas:D :D
i posted wrong yesterday on the types of coral i bought. one is actually a favites( pinapple coral), the other is some type of rasta coral(can't remember sientific name right now). both are doing well, and i can't wait to frag the rasta. i will probly do it in a week or two. i don't think the favites has been fed in a while because it went absolutly nuts when i fed it some live baby brine shrimp today! oh well, all is good and i'm back at work now. think i'll cut out early though since i can't stand this place.

small reef

I work 5 pm to 2 am and it sucks too... oh well, at least it pays well...and you gotta love any job where you can take your work home with you and put it in your tank
P marine biologist