i hate *****


i bought a flame angel about 1.5 inches for 80 bucks. hen i ent to the lfs they had a 3 inch flame angel for 40 bucks. i tried to get a refund but they dont have refunds on saltaterfish. I could of bought 2 flame angels at my lfs. im pissed



Originally posted by cjason3041
i never use ***** for livestock, i hear they use cyniade to catch fish.

They dont use cyanide to catch there fish, if you ask most lfs in your area they get there fish from the same place that ***** does, at least in my area. They are just very expensive fish do to the whole middle man yada yada process and ***** likes to jack prices. ***** doesnt train employees very well and the fish are not kept in the best of health.


Active Member
I saw a Flame Angel at ***** yesterday for about the same price. I couldnt believe how much they wanted for it. About a month ago they got a different Flame Angel in, and it had the whirlies.
No, I odnt buy livestock at *****, but I do buy some stuff there...it's close to my house, otherwise I'd stay away.


wow flames angels are 20.00 in my area. i was thinking about buying one...are they pretty hearty, and what are their mannerisms?


Flames are an alright fish for hardiness. But a warning, ***** isn't the place to buy live stock. NO GUARANTEES, that is why I love this place. You don't have to spend hundreds to get free shipping, and they have a guarantee, not trying to suck up here or anything.


In my area its only $20. I just wait til sunday. They have the 50% off bag sale so it's only $10


I buy crickets at *****. I asked for 20 and they gave me like 100. I only paid for 20. Haha


The key to buying at *****, is to know what day the fish arrive in store, and getting th efish that day.
I have 4 petcos in my immediate area, and since they all buy the same fish, and get "large shipments" the prices are actually MUCH cheaper than my local "marine" FS.
I have purchased a few from them, and "KNOCK ON WOOD" I have had great sucess. I have a beautifull blonde Naso Tang that is just aswesome.( I think I paid $29.99) (Lfs $89).
Anyway, I guess its luck of the draw.


exile are you serious?????? a day where the stuff is 50% off? wow i want to talk my lfs into that.
skate jealousy sucks doesnt it!? ya can tell youre new here....its ok youll grow out of it.............
:confused: i hope
exile i once got a free bag of brine.......but i guess thats not 100 crickets alright you win


***** is the biggest RIPOFF on ALL pet supplies, not just fish! I went in there a few weeks ago (because it was a Sunday) and all other lfs were closed and I had to have more carbon. I decided to take a look around and price a few things; they wanted $75.00 for an Aquaclear 801 powerhead. Online ther're $23.00 and at most lfs, they're $45.00...what a rip!!!!! Needless to say, I bought the smallest container of carbon they had and it was still over 12 bucks!!! I could have bought 10x that amount here on SWF.com. Petsmart is almost as bad. One would think that by being a major chain, they would be cheaper than the "Mom & Pop" fish/pet stores, but not in this case eh?:mad:


If any one here lives in California, I've visited the sole wholesaler that ditributes to all Californian Petcos. it was somewhat impressive and disgusting. There were tanks and tanks and tanks of salt and freshwater fish. I would give the facility an 7.5 out of 10. They had some pretty cool stuff that probably would be better in the ocean. There wer lots of cleaner wrasses (and dead ones too), blue/gold ribbon eels, lots of velvet nudibranches, countless numbers of linkias, red stars, chocholate chips, anenomes, jellyfish, shrimps, crabs, all kinds of angels and clowns, damsels, sponges, corals, butterflies,........
It was amazing. The fish seemed fair, some very expensive fishes like golden angels and golden butterflies.... 8 out of 10 for in general health. Its difficult to keep fish at their best when you have thousands to keep track of. I would say that the reason for *****'s bad fish is because of their inexperienced staff.


Active Member
The staff at my local ***** are dumb as rocks (well, actually, the rocks are probably smarter). I bought my two clowns there because I didn't know about their livestock problems yet (and at that time, their livestock looked pretty healthy). I must've gotten lucky because the clowns are still healthy three months later. But the firefish I bought from them...he had at least three diseases and I couldn't save him (I had him in QT for almost four weeks before he passed. It was a sad deal). I refuse to buy their livestock ever again. Watching a fish slowly succumb to irreversible problems caused by inexperience was something I'd prefer not to go through ever again. The staff know absolutely nothing about saltwater fish care. Even their supposed "saltwater expert" is pretty uninformed. I've had my tank running for four months and I know more than him. Which is pretty sad considering he's probably been there for years. I think it should be a requirement to take some sort of saltwater knowledge test before having a job in their fish department.
So, in conclusion, boo to *****!



i use to work at ***** and they don't use cyanide to catch their fish. they get it from seacrest in florida. the problem with a lot of petcos is that the employees are not trained properly on saltwater fish. freshwater they are pretty good at but not salt. the ***** by me though is pretty good. they have the cheapest prices out of anybody in buffalo unless you know someone and the people that work there know a lot about salt so thier tanks are pretty good....if anyone is from buf it's the one on niagara falls....like i said it all depends on which ***** you go to.


CONCLUSION : Never buy Livestock from *****. come to california =]


right now i'm working there p/t specifically to care for the sw and sw alone. i'm not trying to say i know everything about sw, but since i've benn there their slime alge problem is gone and their fish look alot better. since they've been doing better i've notice our sw business going up. yeah alot of the employees at several ***** don't know jack about sw, but there are a few of us out here who try our best to take care of the fish in the best way possible.so, you can't say boo to all *****, b/c not all of them suck, they just need more knoledgeable staff.:D


it all depends on who is working there. I know of one gentelmen that works at a local ***** near me who has been into salt water fish since before i was born he is an asset to the company. I will usually go on my lunch break and go talk to the guy. He informs the customer on requirments for the fish they want to purchase he asks the customer what they have for there setups and makes suggestions depending on that he is a good guy. Then there is another one in the area where that fish guy doesnt know his

from his elbow, and it's sad cause i know they had to go to a 2 week training program for the caring for fish. it just seems that it's hit or miss sometimes you will get a ***** that has very knowledgeable staff some dont have good staff.


New Member
Jedi whats the lfs you're talking about. I live pretty close to Rochester. The *****'s suck. I go to a place in Rochester that can be a little pricy sometimes but the service is the best i've ever seen.


Active Member
All *****'s are owned by corporate with no local ownership. Only 5% of their gross income comes from the sale of live animals. They make their profit on all the non-live products . Live animals are just to get more folks in the store to buy the other "stuff".
They have been in trouble in many states and in CA were found guilty of overcharging customers and fined....their coporate headquarters home state. I beleive the average overcharge per customer in one CA territory was about $2 with a high of almost 40...going from memory.
They are easy targets by many activists groups as they are big and in 40 plus states.
They also got in trouble due to false advertising regarding the security of their website and are now on a 10 or 20 year watch list.
We should always remember that there are many good employees that work for this company. In fact, many have blown the whistle and reported their employer.
By supporting one store you support all as they are not franchised. All roads and profits lead to coporate headquarters in San Diego. If you do not like ***** speak with your wallet and take your money elsewhere...this will get their attention and bring about change. As long as the regsiters ring and they do not get hit with too big a lawsuit and/or fine they will continue with business as usual.
I have been in this hobby for 30 plus years and can tell you I learn something new all the time. A two week class is a joke in my opinion as this hobby is too diverse with numerous variables an options to consider, etc.